cosmical การใช้
- Treder was chairman of the International Society " History of Geophysics and Cosmical Physics ".
- His books included " Cosmical Electrodynamics, " published in 1950, and " Origin of the Solar System, " published in 1954.
- The Maya also followed the movements of Jupiter, Mars and heliacal or cosmical rising of Venus, and would also sacrifice important captives to coincide with such conjunctions.
- An investigation of the great aurora of February 4, 1872, led Donati to refer such phenomena to a distinct branch of science, designated by him cosmical meteorology.
- The shower of shooting stars that fell in November 1833 attracted his attention, and he studied their history and behavior until he was able satisfactorily to demonstrate their cosmical origin.
- Cass tells the story of their race : how they became part of a " cosmical mind " reaching out to the creator of all things, and how this enterprise failed.
- Koder's personal mythology often features various species of plants and birds, as well as dreams, spirits, fairies and cosmical forces, whose complex interplay forms the very basis of our existence.
- The theoretical models which he developed in part by looking at comet tails have in recent years been confirmed by spacecraft . His books, especially " Cosmical Magnetic Fields ", have educated generations of investigators.
- The history of the nebulae is thus one of tragedy, and as they dissolve into the stars and planets of our own cosmical time, the narrator wonders at the creator who could author such a complex dance of hope and futility.
- General research into the history of geophysics has been done by the " commission for history of geophysics and cosmical physics " ( Bremen ) under the direction of Wilfried Schr鰀er, which published the journal " Berichte der Geschichte der Geophysik und Kosmische Physik ".
- Because the buffalo are not available while the Lost Boys are in the skies, the cosmical setting of the Pleaides was an assembly signal for Blackfoot hunter to travel to their hunting grounds to conduct the large-scale hunts, culminating in slaughters at buffalo jumps, that characterized their culture.
- The attainment of the higher stage of development is the moral and religious vocation of man; this higher stage is self-determination, the performance of every human function as a voluntary and intelligent agent, or as a person, having as its cosmical effect the subjection of all material to spiritual existences.
- The spiritual quest of a " cosmical mind ", in which the flame creatures participated, is also the backbone to Stapledon's 1937 opus, Star Maker . ( Whether it is the same quest is debatable-the endeavour of the cosmical mind in The Flames fails; in Star Maker it succeeds ).
- The spiritual quest of a " cosmical mind ", in which the flame creatures participated, is also the backbone to Stapledon's 1937 opus, Star Maker . ( Whether it is the same quest is debatable-the endeavour of the cosmical mind in The Flames fails; in Star Maker it succeeds ).
- In 1875, he released " What is Music ? ", a slim volume that analysed various theories of music from across the globe, and attempted to create a cosmical theory of music based upon current knowledge . " By listening to a great composition, " he wrote, " our mind undergoes the same process-first the mood, then the sentiment, then the definite thought.
- The capture theory of cosmical evolution, founded on dynamical principles and illustrated by phenomena observed in the spiral nebulae, the planetary system, the double and multiple stars and clusters and the star-clouds of the Milky Way ", which proposed that the planets formed in the outer Solar System and were captured by the Sun; the moons were formed in thus manner and were captured by the planets.
- At the British Association meeting at Cambridge in 1904 he presided over the subsection for astronomy and cosmical physics, and there advocated the organisation of meteorological work upon an imperial basis and an imperial provision " for organised observations from areas too wide to be within the control of any single government . " He died suddenly of apoplexy on 18 March 1908 at Bon Porto, the estate which he had acquired on account of his wife's health at Var in the south of France.
- One of Mallet's papers was " Volcanic Energy : an Attempt to develop its True Origin and Cosmical Relations ", in which he sought to show that volcanic heat may be attributed to the effects of crushing, contortion and other disturbances in the crust of the earth; the disturbances leading to the formation of lines of fracture, more or less vertical, down which water would find its way, and if the temperature generated be sufficient volcanic eruptions of steam or lava would follow.