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cosmorama การใช้

  • The Cosmorama, an only slightly less ambitious project " was " built for the Exposition.
  • The Cosmorama, which was located near the foot of the Eiffel Tower, featured a Celestial Sphere.
  • He is known as author of the universal history " Cosmorama " or " Cihan-N黰?".
  • For the Arctic display or " cosmorama ", Cocks and three assistants worked from Ross's own drawings.
  • Robert Coover's mysterious new novel, " John's Wife, " is a cosmorama of eros and ethos in a small American prairie town.
  • In 1841 was advertised a cosmorama of " the Embarkation of the Body of Napoleon " and " the Bombardment of Acre " painted by " Mr . Cocks ".
  • He took part in the uprising against Austrian rule in 1848, and began painting in 1850 on a series of eight works, arrayed as a Cosmorama, depicting the heroic resistance of Venice against the Austrians.
  • Cosmorama was also the name of an entertainment in 19th century London, at 207-209 Regent Street, at which the public could view scenes of distant lands and exotic subjects through optical devices that magnified the pictures.
  • The first contained the stuffed birds, the second quadrupeds and fish, the third " miscellaneous curiosities ", and the last was a " Grand Cosmorama, which contains Views of most of the principal cities of the world ."
  • Dead still-image display technologies include the stereopticon, the Protean View, the Zogroscope, the Polyorama Panoptique, Frith's Cosmoscope, Knight's Cosmorama, Ponti's Megalethoscope ( 1862 ), Rousell's Graphoscope ( 1864 ), Wheatstone's stereoscope ( 1832 ), and dead Viewmaster knockoffs.
  • Aspiring to imitate Ludwig Tieck and Novalis, Odoyevsky published a number of tales for children ( e . g ., " The Snuff-Box Town " ) and fantastical stories for adults ( e . g ., " Cosmorama " and " Salamandra " ) imbued with the vague mysticism in the vein of Jakob Boehme and Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin.
  • Among the highlights advertised : " the Magical Deotric, which represents a variety of elegant views of the most populous cities on the globe; " " Narne's new patent electrical machine; " " grand cosmorama of Montreal & its environs; " " a young whale, just brought in from sea; " " live bear; " 80-foot long " skin of the Green; " " wax figures ."