cramoisy การใช้
- In this very complex headwaters, the river passes through numerous lakes and marshes, such as Cramoisy lakes, Teilhard, Biggar and Mountains.
- Corrozet was the grandson of the Paris bookseller Pierre Le Brodeur and married as his second wife Catherine Cramoisy from the family of equally notable booksellers.
- The "'Gare de Cramoisy "'( Cramoisy station ) is a railway station located in the commune of Cramoisy in the Creil line, line 20 ).
- The "'Gare de Cramoisy "'( Cramoisy station ) is a railway station located in the commune of Cramoisy in the Creil line, line 20 ).
- The "'Gare de Cramoisy "'( Cramoisy station ) is a railway station located in the commune of Cramoisy in the Creil line, line 20 ).
- The attackers were aided by a diversionary attack mounted by Cramoisy's marine infantry company from the Keelung garrison, which had stealthily occupied a hill position to the west of Fort Bamboo during the previous night.
- Cramoisy's " marsouins " disclosed themselves as Fontebride's " z閜hyrs " approached Fort Bamboo from the east, disorganising the Chinese defenders with a devastating volley from behind their positions.
- It derives from the fertile imagination of R . P . Dominique Bouhours, a Jesuit who published a biography of Pierre d'Aubusson ( Paris, Mabre-Cramoisy, 1677 ) at the behest of Marshall d'Aubusson-La Feuillade.