crookback การใช้
- Dick is also successful as one of Crookback's commanders.
- Richard Crookback, Duke of Gloucester, makes his appearance in Book 5.
- Stevenson liked his characterization of Richard Crookback, and expressed his desire to write about him again.
- We learn through written records, not portraits, of Richard III's crookback and Henry VIII's terminal corpulence.
- As Dick is leaving Shoreby he sees Crookback holding his own against seven or eight Lancastrian assailants, and assists his victory.
- Seeking revenge, Ciri and Geralt travel to Velen and kill both Imlerith and two of the three Crones of Crookback Bog.
- Dick's accurate knowledge of the Lancastrian forces in Shoreby aid Crookback in winning the battle that he wages later that day.
- And, above all, his personal take on Shakespeare's crookback king in the documentary film " Searching for Richard "?
- In 1602, in the last days of Tudor England, Ben Jonson wrote a play about Richard entitled " Richard Crookback ".
- Wounded in the failed seaside rescue, Foxham writes letters of recommendation for Dick to Richard Crookback, whom Dick must find on the outskirts of Shoreby.
- Crookback knights Dick on the field of battle and, following their victory, gives him fifty horsemen to pursue Sir Daniel, who has escaped Shoreby with Joanna.
- McKellen does wonderfully with the crookback's one introspective speech, in which he wakens from nightmares to observe " there's no creature loves me ."
- Though aided by Frank ( Michael Mastro ), an unseen prompter with a Yonkers accent, the alcohol-pickled Barrymore can't remember much of the crookback's soliloquies.
- Beale's Crookback Dick was so convincingly corrosive that one critic compared his characterization to the " unhappy result of a one-night stand between Pere Ubu and Gertrude Stein ."
- So it made a certain immediate sense when it was learned that Dinklage would play Shakespeare's old crookback, a man doomed from birth by physical appearance to regard himself as a misfit.
- The story of the crookback who killed the little princes, now smashingly embodied by Ian McKellen in Richard Loncraine's entertainingly chilling new film, was long used by English nannies and parents to frighten difficult children at bedtime.
- Keira informs Geralt that a mysterious Elven mage had been searching for Ciri and after investigating the mage's laboratory with Geralt, Keira directs him to the Crones of Crookback Bog, ancient spirits that assert dominion over Velen.
- Seward argues that the savage way in which Richard was hacked to death demonstrates how much he was hated and that, with the proof of a crookback, this strengthens the case for Shakespeare's portrait being not so very far from the truth.
- Stevenson alludes both to his novel " The Black Arrow " and Richard Crookback with the phrase " the Sable Missile " in a letter he wrote Sidney Colvin in the month the final installment of " The Black Arrow " appeared in " Young Folks " ( October, 1883 ):
- John Stow talked to old men who, remembering him, said " that he was of bodily shape comely enough, only of low stature " and a German traveller, Nicolas von Poppelau, who spent ten days in Richard's household in May 1484, describes him as " three fingers taller than himself . . . much more lean, with delicate arms and legs and also a great heart . " Six years after Richard's death, in 1491, a schoolmaster named William Burton, on hearing a defence of Richard, launched into a diatribe, accusing the dead King of being'a hypocrite and a crookback . . . who was deservedly buried in a ditch like a dog .'