cuisinier การใช้
- 1651 : In " Le Cuisinier Francois"
- This library has the only specimen of the " Cuisinier anglais ".
- In 1992, Boudeling joined Les Patrons Cuisiniers ( LPC ) as patron-cuisinier.
- Vincent La Chapelle's published his " Cuisinier moderne " in 1733 1735.
- Soon there were imitators : " Le Cuisinier fran鏾is m閠hodique " was published anonymously in Paris, 1660.
- Under his name, the ID from the Red Cross of Benin declared his profession : " Cuisinier ."
- In 2007, he published " La Montagne et le cuisinier " with Isabelle Hintzy and Catherine de Montalembert.
- He recalled recipes for skate in La Varenne's " Le Cuisinier Francais, " a 17th-century cookbook.
- As author of works such as " Le Cuisinier fran鏾is ", he is credited with publishing the first true French cookbook.
- Pirated editions of " Le Cuisinier fran鏾is " were printed in Amsterdam ( 1653 ) and The Hague ( 1654 56 ).
- The first known use of the term in Fran鏾is Massialot's " Le Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois " ( 1722 edition ).
- The successive updates of " Le Cuisinier ro颽l et bourgeois " include important refinements such as adding a glass of wine to fish stock.
- Tartiflette was first mentioned in a book of 1705, Le Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois written by Fran鏾is Massialot and his assistant cook B . Mathieu.
- It is first attested in French in 1735, in Vincent la Chapelle's " Cuisinier moderne ", and in English in 1878.
- ""'Le Cuisinier " "'is a studio album by Merzbow released by Stratosphere Music in 1983 on a cassette.
- Entitled " Le Cuisinier moderne ", the work was the forerunner of a lavishly illustrated series of cookbooks that might equally well be considered art books.
- The transfer, which will begin with " Le Nouveau et Parfaict Cuisinier " ( 1668 ) by Pierre de Lune, is expected to take about a year.
- A French cookbook published in 1691, " Le Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois, " defined the food of kings and noblemen, with recipes from Louis XIV's kitchens.
- The house takes its name from the " Cuisinier " or " Kitchener ", the person at the Abbey who was responsible for the provision of food.
- Ch閛n ( 1907 ), Masp閞o ( 1912 ), and Cuisinier ( 1948 ) considered Ngu?n to be more closely related to M??ng while M?c ( 1964 ), Nguy?n .
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