curat การใช้
- None of these " feelings " are appropriate for discussion . " Non curat lex " in these cases.
- The general legal maxim " de minimis non curat lex " ( literally " The law does not concern itself with trifles " ) has no place in the field.
- "Maryland v . West Virginia " is also a classic case of the high court applying the legal rule of " de minimis non curat lex ".
- The church is unusual in that it displays the only known representation of a Latin phrase beside the arms : " VIVAT REX CURAT LEX " ( Long live the King, custodian of the law ).
- Repp's lawyers also invoked the principle of " de minimis non curat lex, " which means " the law does not concern itself with trifles, " to have the case dismissed.
- This principle of Roman law became a principle of later European law : " Non curat minima praetor ", that is, the details do not need to be legislated, they can be left up to the courts.
- The other is, that the act when done by an individual is wrong though not punishable, because the law avoids the multiplicity of crimes : de minimis non curat lex; while if done by several it is sufficiently important to be treated as a crime.
- "I enjoy practicing law without a license, fishing, and collecting parking tickets from all over the U . S . I also enjoy cleaning up / correcting the numerous mistakes made by other Wikipedia editors, the majority of which are made by Non Curat Lex ."
- The directory of the Central Bank at the beginning of Sturzenegger s administration was composed by Lucas Llach, as vicepresident; Horacio Tom醩 Liendo ( n ); Demi醤 Reidel; Pablo Curat; Fabi醤 Zampone; Francisco Gismondi; Pedro Biscay, designated by the ex president Alejandro Vanoli; Germ醤 Feldman and Juan Cuatromo, by the ex minister of Economy of that time Axel Kicillof.
- Der gesunde und der kranke Mensch ", where " nasamecu " stands for the Latin motto " Natura sanat, medicus curat . " Here Groddeck offers his understanding of what happens to the bones, muscles, the importance of food, talk about blood circulation, the eyes, the whole human body and what happens to this body when it obeys the orders of Isso ( unconscious ).
- Although in legal circles some phrases are in common use, ( such as " res ipsa loquitur ", " novus actus interveniens ", " talem qualem ", " de minimis non curat lex ", & " consensus ad idem " ) the common law does not rely on civil law principles, and the use of Latinisms is declining while vernacular phrases are increasing.
- It also appears on the California State University's motto " Vox Veritas Vita " ( " Speak the Truth as a way of Life " ) . " Veritas vos liberabit " ( " The Truth Will Set You Free " ) is the motto of The Johns Hopkins University . " Veritas Curat " ( " Truth Cures " ) is the motto of the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, a medical school in Puducherry, India.
- Dog saliva has been said by many cultures to have curative powers in people . " " Langue de chien, langue de m閐ecin " " is a French saying meaning " " A dog's tongue is a doctor's tongue " ", and a Latin quote that " " Lingua canis dum lingit vulnus curat " " or " " A dog's saliva can heal your wound " " appears in a thirteenth-century manuscript.
- The Tariefcommissie argued ( i ) that as the Netherlands had, for the most part, complied with Article 12 ( by generally reducing and abolishing tariffs ), their exceptional increase in the tariff on urea-formaldehyde should be overlooked ( " de minimis lex non-curat " ); and ( ii ) that the Treaty was an agreement between Member States, and as the importers were obviously not parties to the Treaty, they had no " locus standi " ..
- It is true that the Defendant in the 7th paragraph of his affidavit speaks of an invalid lady who occupied the house upon one occasion, about thirty years before, requested him if possible to discontinue the use of the mortars before eight o clock in the morning; and it is true also that there is some evidence of the garden wall having been subjected to vibration, but this vibration, even if it existed at all, was so slight, and the complaint, if it could be called a complaint, of the invalid lady, and can be looked upon as evidence, was of so trifling a character, that, upon the maxim " de minimis non curat lex ", we arrive at the conclusion that the Defendant s acts would not have given rise to any proceedings either at law or in equity.