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dichogamy การใช้

  • Dichogamy may reduce between-flower interference by minimizing the temporal overlap between stigma and anthers within an inflorescence.
  • Another study that indicated that dichogamy might increase male pollination success was the study performed by Dai and Galloway.
  • Historically, dichogamy has been regarded as a mechanism for reducing inbreeding ( e . g ., Darwin, 1862 ).
  • In several different groups of fish, such as wrasses, parrotfish and clownfish, dichogamy  or sequential hermaphoditism  is normal.
  • Always interested in plant breeding, Bolotov discovered dichogamy of apple-trees and pointed out to the advantages of cross-pollination.
  • Male and female flowers are in separate spikes, and the female flowers typically appear before the male on a single tree ( dichogamy ).
  • Attempts at the Arnold Arboretum using ten other American, European and Asiatic species also ended in failure, attributed to the differences in ploidy levels, and operational dichogamy,
  • Harder et al . ( 2000 ) demonstrated experimentally that dichogamy both reduced rates of self-fertilization and enhanced outcross siring success through reductions in geitonogamy and pollen discounting, respectively.
  • With regard to the dinosaurs'breeding, it eventually transpires that using frog DNA to fill gaps in the dinosaurs'genetic code enabled a measure of dichogamy, in which some of the female animals somehow changed into males in response to the all-female environment.