disfluent การใช้
- When a disfluent article preceded the noun, they looked to the new cohort competitor.
- However, speakers are frequently disfluent and includes things like hesitations and false starts, repetitions, or saying thee instead of the.
- Studies utilizing positron emission tomography ( PET ) have found during tasks that invoke disfluent speech, people who stutter show hypoactivity in cortical areas associated with language processing, such as Broca's area, but hyperactivity in areas associated with motor function.
- Another reason is that we just don't " see " what is " going on . " Lakoff's disfluent, frequent use of " you know " e . g .'ferries our attention between the knowable enclave of things and the veiled world of the intellect .'
- A 2010 Princeton University study involving presenting students with text in a font slightly more difficult to read found that they consistently retained more information from material displayed in so-called disfluent or ugly fonts ( Monotype Corsiva, Haettenschweiler, Comic Sans Italicized were used ) than in a simple, more readable font such as Arial.
- For this study, the researchers guess that listeners should be more likely to look at cohort competitors that were previously given when the noun is preceded by the, a fluent article and they should be more likely to look at new cohort competitors when the noun is preceded by thee uh, a disfluent article.
- Hudson-Kam and Newport hypothesize that in a pidgin-development situation ( and in the real-life situation of a deaf child whose parents are / were disfluent signers ), children systematize the language they hear, based on the probability and frequency of forms, and not that which has been suggested on the basis of a universal grammar.