disjoining การใช้
- This can be shown quantitatively through calculations relating to disjoining pressure.
- The equilibrium meniscus shape is a result of the competition between the capillary pressure and disjoining pressure.
- This regulatory role may be directly associated with the role of topoisomerase II in disjoining sister chromatids prior to anaphase.
- For very thin films ( thickness less than one micrometre ), additional intermolecular forces, such as Van der Waals forces or disjoining forces, may become significant.
- B = 1 mM . From left to right : Dependence upon the separation distance of the surface change density, diffuse layer potential, and the disjoining pressure.
- For a liquid film on flat surfaces, the liquid-vapor interface keeps flat to minimize interfacial area and system meniscus flat, while the disjoining pressure makes the film conformal to the substrate.
- Disjoining pressure is interpreted as a sum of several interactions : dispersion forces, electrostatic forces between charged surfaces, interactions due to layers of neutral molecules adsorbed on the two surfaces, and the structural effects of the solvent.
- The spreading of a nanofluid droplet is enhanced by the solid-like ordering structure of nanoparticles assembled near the contact line by diffusion, which gives rise to a structural disjoining pressure in the vicinity of the contact line.
- In addition, films can break under disjoining pressure, These effects can lead to rearrangement of the foam structure at scales larger than the bubbles, which may be individual ( T1 process ) or collective ( even of the " avalanche " type ).
- According to Yogananda the ancient Yogic text the " Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ", contains a description of Kriya Yoga in the second chapter II . 49 : " Liberation can be attained by that pranayama which is accomplished by disjoining the course of inspiration and expiration ."
- In other words, if F is the formula obtained by disjoining the conjunction of the formulae in each branch, and x _ 1, \ ldots, x _ n are the free variables in it, then \ forall x _ 1, \ ldots, x _ n.
- Since the disjoining pressure varies with the thickness of the film, a gradient in the disjoining pressure arises during transpiration : the disjoining pressure is greater at the bottom of the vessel ( where the film is thickest ) and less at the top of the vessel ( where the film is thinner ).
- Since the disjoining pressure varies with the thickness of the film, a gradient in the disjoining pressure arises during transpiration : the disjoining pressure is greater at the bottom of the vessel ( where the film is thickest ) and less at the top of the vessel ( where the film is thinner ).
- Since the disjoining pressure varies with the thickness of the film, a gradient in the disjoining pressure arises during transpiration : the disjoining pressure is greater at the bottom of the vessel ( where the film is thickest ) and less at the top of the vessel ( where the film is thinner ).
- He, in turn, instructed Ikshwaku, the father of India s solar warrior dynasty . " And again when he says, " Liberation can be accomplished by that pranayama which is attained by disjoining the course of inhalation and exhalation . " A direct disciple of Sri Yukteswar Giri, Sailendra Dasgupta ( d . 1984 ) has written that, " Kriya entails several acts that have evidently been adapted from the Gita, the Yoga Sutras, Tantra shastras and from conceptions on the Yugas ."
- Anti-icing properties may depend on such circumstances as whether the solid surface is colder than the air / vapor, how big is the temperature gradient, and whether a thin film of water tends to form on the solid surface due to capillary effects, disjoining pressure, etc . Mechanical properties of ice and the substrate also of great importance since ice shedding occurs as fracture, either in the Mode I ( normal ) or Mode II ( shear ) cracking, so that crack concentrators are major contributors to the reduced strength,.