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dwim การใช้

  • DWIM stands for Dim Wit I Am, and is pronounced Dim Wit.
  • Amazon . com has what could be called a Dwim _ " do what I mean " _ search function.
  • Teitelman's DWIM package " correct [ ed ] errors automatically or with minor user intervention ", similarly to a spell checker for natural language.
  • See for instance The December 1 DWIM effect ( reported on RISKS Digest 24.19; some comments on 24.20 and 24.21 ).
  • This is some random programmer's page of personal opinions, including, " " The three characteristics of Perl programers : mundaneness, sloppiness, and fatuousness . . . . Perl provides the DWIM feature.
  • The DWIM concept has been adopted by users of the GNU Emacs text editor to describe Emacs Lisp functions or commands that " do the right thing " depending on context, and do not specifically correct the user's typing.
  • I say this because Perl really is good at DWIM; this is good for a beginner but won't help you when you get to a pickier family member that is more strongly typed or has less intuitive I / O operations.
  • DWIM functionality is often mentioned in the command's name; GNU Emacs has a comment-dwim function that comments out a selected region if uncommented, or uncomments it when already commented out, using comment characters and indentation appropriate for the environment and current context.
  • DWIM functionality is often mentioned in the command's name; GNU Emacs has a comment-dwim function that comments out a selected region if uncommented, or uncomments it when already commented out, using comment characters and indentation appropriate for the environment and current context.
  • If we really want to make allowances for people who can't spell / type, we should add some sort of DWIM ( e . g . like the one Google has ) to suggest what people might have wanted if a search / lookup turns no matches.
  • "' Warren Teitelman "'( 1941  August 12, 2013 ) was an American computer scientist known for his work on programming environments and the invention and first implementation of concepts including UNDO, REDO, spelling correction, advising, online help, and DWIM ( Do What I Mean ).
  • Since being DWIM, the station has 3 major 15-minute newscasts at 7 AM, noon, and 7 PM . At the top of every hour other than the mentioned hours, there is a 5-minute news bulletin, which includes business reports around the times when the Philippine Stock Exchange is open.
  • At the same time that the BB was blazing a broadcasting trail now known as " network broadcasting ", another government organization was building up its broadcast capability to rival, or in some instances, to complement, that of the BB . The National Media Production Center, NMPC, had acquired the facilities of the Voice of America in DWIM-FM . With this new station and some provincial stations that came under its wings earlier, the NMPC was a network and effectively covered a wide range of the Philippine listenership.