echogenic การใช้
- Cysts of Montgomery may have liquid content with an echogenic or calcific sediment.
- echogenic fat, either surgical removal or yearly follow up is indicated, regardless of patient age.
- The findings of large echogenic kidneys without distinct macroscopic cysts in an infant / child at 50 % risk for ADPKD are diagnostic.
- The presence of echogenic fluid is estimated at between 28 and 56 % of women with an ectopic pregnancy, and strongly indicates the presence of hemoperitoneum.
- Heavy calcium deposits in the blood vessel wall both heavily reflect sound, i . e . are very echogenic, but are also distinguishable by shadowing.
- An extra posterior echogenic focus between the fetal spinal laminae is seen with splaying of the posterior elements, thus allowing for early surgical intervention and have a favorable prognosis.
- The ( a ) blood vessel wall inner lining, ( b ) atheromatous disease within the wall and ( c ) connective tissues covering the outer surface of the blood vessel are echogenic, i . e . they return echoes making them visible on the ultrasound display.
- Ultrasonic criteria for the diagnosis include an empty uterine cavity, a gestational sac separate from the uterine cavity, and a myometrial thinning of less than 5 mm around the gestational sac; typically the " interstitial line sign " an echogenic line from the endometrial cavity to the corner next to the gestational mass is seen.
- In absence of a seashore sign or presence of a stratosphere sign, pneumothorax is likely . "'B-lines "'or " comet trails " are echogenic bright linear reflections beneath the pleura that are usually lost with any air between the probe and the lung tissue and therefore whose presence with seashore sign indicates absence of a pneumothorax.