erithacus การใช้
- The Japanese robin, together with the Ryukyu robin and the European robin, was previously placed in the genus " Erithacus ".
- The Ryukyu robin, together with the Japanese robin and the European robin, was previously placed in the genus " Erithacus ".
- Four papillomaviruses are known to infect birds : Fringilla coelebs papillomavirus 1, Francolinus leucoscepus papillomavirus 1, Psittacus erithacus papillomavirus 1 and Pygoscelis adeliae papillomavirus 1.
- The "'European robin "'( " Erithacus rubecula " ) is a small insectivorous passerine bird in the Old World flycatcher family.
- On the other hand, in captivity, they are among the most renowned mimics, perhaps on par only with the African grey parrot ( " Psittacus erithacus " ).
- The "'European Robin "'( " Erithacus rubecula " ) is a small insectivorous passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the chat.
- The phylogenetic analysis placed " Erithacus " in the subfamily Erithacinae, which otherwise contained only African species, but its exact position with respect to the other genera was not resolved.
- A large molecular phylogenetic study published on 2010 found that the genera " Luscinia " and " Erithacus " as defined by Edward C . Dickinson in 2003 were not monophyletic.
- In a reorganisation of the genera, the Japanese and the Ryukyu robins were moved to the resurrected genus " Larvivora " leaving the European robin as the sole member of " Erithacus ".
- He was made an Honorary Fellow of the American Ornithologists'Union in 1928 " Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi " ( common reed bunting ) and " Erithacus rubecula witherbyi " ( European robin ).
- In vol . 2 he describes the African grey parrot ( grijze roodstaartpapegaai ) " Psittacus erithacus " in vol . 2, giving an extensive account of field observations done on the island of Pr韓cipe in de Gulf of Guinea.
- Delimitation of " Luscinia " versus the genus " Erithacus " had been confused for long; species were rather indiscriminately placed in one or the other genus, or " Luscinia " was entirely merged into " Erithacus ".
- Delimitation of " Luscinia " versus the genus " Erithacus " had been confused for long; species were rather indiscriminately placed in one or the other genus, or " Luscinia " was entirely merged into " Erithacus ".
- Christian Dietzen, Hans-Hinrich Witt and Michael Wink published in 2003 in Avian Science a study called " The phylogeographic differentiation of the European robin Erithacus rubecula on the Canary Islands revealed by mitochondrial DNA sequence data and morphometrics : evidence for a new robin taxon on Gran Canaria ? ".
- These studies have demonstrated several bird species respond more aggressively to played back songs of strangers than to songs of neighbours including the alder flycatcher ( " Empidonax alnorum " ), male blue grouse, European robin ( " Erithacus rubecula " ), and male banded wren ( " Thryothorus pleurostictus " ).
- On Pr韓cipe island, they include a frog known as " Phrynobatrachus dispar " and a birds such as Dohrn's thrush-babbler ( " Horizorhinus dohrni " ) and the Pr韓cipe thrush ( " Turdus xanthorhynchus " ), and the African grey parrot ( " Psittacus erithacus " ).
- Their first album features recordings of red-throated diver ( " Gavia stellata " ) and European robin ( " Erithacus rubecula " ), as well as the line'flitting like a documentary, " Why Birds Sing ", contributing their musical talents to a Birdsong-inspired collaboration called " The Twitch ".
- In addition to chimpanzees, seven other species were introduced to the island : Roan antelope ( " Hippotragus equinus " ) and rhinoceros ( " Diceros bicornis " ) both now extinct, Suni antelope ( " Neotragus moschatus " ), elephants ( Loxodonta africana ), twelve giraffes ( Giraffa camelopardalis ), 20 black-and-white colobus monkeys ( " Colobus guereza " ), and African grey parrots ( " Psittacus erithacus " ) confiscated from illegal trade; see.