eucarya การใช้
- This would have been the moment when the family tree of the bacteria, archaea and eucarya began.
- In 1977, Carl Woese and George E . Fox experimentally disproved this universally held hypothesis about the basic structure of the Eucarya.
- That is, did a stromatolite forming cyanobacteria give rise to the Eucarya ( which is the line to which humans belong ).
- Archea, bacteria and eucarya ), or even the species among the same group ( i . e . different plant species ).
- The archaea are singled-celled organisms often found in hot places like scalding springs and deep oil wells; the eucarya include all multicellular forms of life like plants and animals.
- The tree derived by analyzing the versions of this gene found in many different species showed an orderly branching into the three primal kingdoms of life known as the bacteria, the archaea and the eucarya.
- M . jannaschii thrives under conditions that eucarya and bacteria could not-- the temperature in the thermal vent is 185 degrees Fahrenheit, and there's no oxygen-- and understanding its genetic makeup can help scientists decipher how genes control functions that sustain life.
- The microorganisacted from a thermal vent two miles below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, is a type of archaeon, a life form first identified in 1977 as being separate from the other two major groups of life-- eucarya, which encompasses humans, plants and animals; and procarya, or bacteria.