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exemplarity การใช้

  • In the conversation of moral identity, this strongly implies that moral exemplarity is associated with a meaningful, moral definition of one's own identity.
  • "' Javier Gom?Lanz髇 "'( Bilbao, 1965 ) is a Spanish writer and essayist, author of the tetrology on exemplarity and a dramatic monologue.
  • His philosophic works are part of two collections : " Tetralog韆 de la ejemplaridad " [ Tetrology of exemplarity ] and " Filosof韆 mundana " [ Worldly philosophy ].
  • At the time of his death he was completing a translation of contemporary Spanish philosopher Javier Gom? s book " Ejemplaridad p鷅lica " [ " Public exemplarity " ].
  • Whereas exemplarity has for long been thought to belong in the domain of aesthetics, this book explores the other uses to which it can be put in our philosophical predicament, especially in the field of politics.
  • In the course of the argument, the aesthetic sources of normativity that have formed the object of Ferrara's earlier work exemplarity, judgment, the normativity of identity, and the imagination are often called on to supplement the conceptual resources of a revisited political liberalism.
  • Personality traits found in this group are pedantry, accuracy, exemplarity; lack of humor, taciturnity, brusqueness; phlegm, callousness, calm; hypersensitivity; obstinacy, stubbornness; Inability to debate, self-consciousness; narrow-mindedness, bigotry; compulsiveness, automation, mannerisms; Feeling of omnipotence, autism; inability to be absorbed in the other ( auto psychological resonance ); taciturnity, immobility, all-having.