extralinguistic การใช้
- Conversely, stripping homophora of their extralinguistic meaning can also cause confusion for native speakers and those from the culture.
- As an extralinguistic phenomenon, gestures are linked to language itself, and these gestures are definitely linked to the Greek language.
- Though they recognized that certain aspects of the language seemed iconic, they considered this to be merely extralinguistic, a property which did not influence the language.
- However, an attempt to take literally / technically the culturally-rich word " classical " uproots it from its extralinguistic meaning and causes confusion for readers of the Wikipedia.
- They might look to extralinguistic context clues to help them determine what the meaning of that verb is, but the environment does not give specific enough evidence to determine that meaning.
- I think this is becoming a problem ( not the Queen example, that's rather obvious ), especially with users who use dictionary definition instead of respecting the extralinguistic nature of a word or phrase.
- Words and phrases with extralinguistic meaning such as rich points in language, idioms, and figures of speech, can all cause confusion when used as titles or within an article when read by a non-native speaker or someone not familiar with the culture.
- Agnieszka Pianka, Alfred F . Majewicz, Tomasz Wicherkiewicz ) assume that whether something is considered to be a language or a dialect ultimately is a matter of extralinguistic criteria, such as the sentiment of its users or political motivations, and thus changes over time.
- Thus, some theorists think that the principle has to be revised to take into account linguistic and extralinguistic context, which includes the tone of voice used, common ground between the speakers, the intentions of the speaker, and so on . ( Szab? 2012)
- Many sociolinguistic sources ( e . g . by Tomasz Kamusella, Agnieszka Pianka, Alfred F . Majewicz, Tomasz Wicherkiewicz ) assume that extralinguistic criteria decide whether something is a language or a dialect of the language : users of speech or / and political decisions, and this is dynamic ( i . e . change over time ).