falangism การใช้
- Falangism supports the state to have jurisdiction of setting wages.
- However, scholarly sources reviewing Falangism place it on the political right.
- Falangism has attacked both the political syncretic third position.
- Falangism is staunchly Eastern Front to support the German war effort against the Soviet Union.
- He then progressed to close associated with Falangism, leading to discarding the Spanish annexation to Italy.
- He then progressed to be closely associated with Falangism, leading to discarding the Spanish annexation to Italy.
- Elsewhere both Manuel G醠vez and Juan Carulla endorsed Hispanidad and in doing so expressed strong admiration for Falangism, especially Carulla.
- A fringe tendency towards Falangism continues in the " Falange Nacional Garciana Ecuatoriana ", said to be a newly formed group.
- In the mid-1950s the Carlist leaders concluded that Falangism had crashed and it was time to commence cautious collaboration with the regime.
- Originally Falangism in Spain as promoted by Primo de Rivera, advocated a " state socialist economies enslaved the individual by handing control of production to the state.
- However it was Galarza's anti-Falangism that also proved his undoing as his close support of Jos?Enrique Varela led to his dismissal in 1942.
- Falangism is widely considered a order in society . although under Franco, the Falange abandoned its original anti-capitalist tendencies, declaring the ideology to be fully compatible with capitalism.
- Representing a more left wing take on Bolivian Falangism it became moribund before the title, rather than ideology, was effectively appropriated by Evo Morales in 1999 to form the basis of his leftist Movement for Socialism.
- Although the government of Fulgencio Batista maintained good relations with Franco it was not Falangist and the only real manifestation of Falangism since 1940 was with the minuscule ( and probably defunct ) " La Falange Cubana ".
- Stylistically, the directness of the " Siege " painting also avoids modernity's challenge to realistic depictions; falangism was not endeared to complex symbolism such as found in works such as " Guernica ".
- Brinton in his 1909 essay was prescient of Zuloaga's future enamourment with Falangism : " He personifies in extreme form the spirit of autocracy in art, the principle of absolutism so typical of his race and country.
- Most significant was the fact that whereas Falangism subscribed to a strongly centralising form of Spanish nationalism, Carlism was more supportive of the " fueros ", preserving local culture and regional autonomy as was one of their main tenets.
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