fascicule การใช้
- The fascicules were printed progressively at Truro ( 160 pp . in all ).
- He completed the second fascicule of Volume IV ( 4th century BCE ) in 1963.
- The Shanghai publishers Kelly & Walsh printed the dictionary in 4 fascicules from 1891 to 1892.
- When the origin of the ectopic heartbeat is in the anterior fascicule then there is right axis deviation.
- Comptes Rendus Academie Des Sciences Paris Serie 2 Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes Fascicule A, 332, 137 144.
- The first fascicule ( from entry " Aachs " ) was published in 1912 and the publication follows regularly year after year.
- In 2015 this encyclopedia arrived to fascicule 185 ( containing entries from " Leyen " to " Licayrac " ).
- After decades of preparatory work, work on the dictionary itself was begun in 1965, and it was published in fascicules between 1975 and 2013.
- The revised and enlarged second edition ( 1912 ) was likewise published by Kelly & Walsh and Bernard Quaritch in 7 fascicules printed from 1909 to 1912.
- His translation, which was published in an edition of over three hundred fascicules since the early 1970s, was republished in a collated edition of eighteen large volumes.
- Blumenbach's work included his description of sixty human crania ( skulls ) published originally in fascicules as " Decas craniorum " ( G鰐tingen, 1790 1828 ).
- The earliest scholarly discussion of " synnyt " is in the fourth fascicule ( published in 1778 ) of Henrik Gabriel Porthan's " De po雜i Fennica ".
- From 2004 to 2015, Professor Ricklefs was sectional editor for Southeast Asia for the new 3rd edition of " Encyclopaedia of Islam " ( 16 vols ., now appearing in fascicules ).
- The book " Vari閠閟 diff閞entielles et analytiques " was a " fascicule de r閟ultats ", that is, a summary of results, on the theory of manifolds, rather than a worked-out exposition.
- He owes his prominent place in the history of Slavonic philology chiefly to these " Russian Fairy Tales " : eight fascicules, published between 1855 and 1863, and inspired by the famous collection of the Brothers Grimm.
- Published works include relevant contributions to the Vindolanda Excavation Reports from 1997 to 2009, the'Eyeopener'series,'Following the Eagle', as well as a fascicule on Roman locks and keys from the site of Vindolanda.
- It was during his tenure as a curator at the Louvre that he organised the first meeting of the Union Acad閙ique Internationale aimed at establishing the complete Corpus of Greek vases held in the national collections of every nation in 1919 . He produced the first fascicule for the Louvre in 1922.
- The " Esquisse ", along with the other fascicules of the " Notes et M閙oires " series published by the Solvay Institute of Sociology in 1906, was reviewed by A . F . Chamberlain in the April 1907 issue of the " American Journal of Psychology ":
- *Bouchard, Pierre, Castonguay, Charles, Langlois, Simon, Pag? Michel and Vincent, Nadine ( 2005 ) . " Les caract閞istiques linguistiques de la population du Qu閎ec; profil et tendances 1991 2001 ( Fascicule 1 ) ", Office qu閎閏ois de la langue fran鏰ise ISBN 2-550-44200-8 l : : I : : : :>
- "arm閑 de terre et arm閑 de mer; par d閏ret du Pr閟ident de la r閜ublique la mobilisation des arm閑s de terre et de mer est ordonn閑 ainsi que la r閝uisition des animaux voitures et harnais n閏essaires au compl閙ent de ces arm閑s; le premier jour de la mobilisation est le dimanche deux Ao鹴 1914; tout Fran鏰is soumis aux obligations militaires doit sous peine d'阾re puni avec toute la rigueur des lois ob轱r aux prescriptions du fascicule de mobilisation pages colori閑s plac閑s dans son livret; sont vis閟 par le pr閟ent ordre tous les hommes non pr閟ents sous les drapeaux et appartenant; 1??l'arm閑 de terre y compris les troupes coloniales et les hommes des services auxiliaires; 2??l'arm閑 de mer y compris les inscrits maritimes et les armuriers de la marine; les autorit閟 civiles et militaires sont responsables de l'ex閏ution du pr閟ent d閏ret; le ministre de la guerre; le ministre de la marine; imp . nationale 3-148-1904"