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faunistic การใช้

  • In his zoological studies, his interests were mainly from a faunistic standpoint.
  • This was also noted at a black-throated mango nest in Cuyabeno Faunistic Reserve, Ecuador.
  • He is best remembered for his geological ( including stratigraphic ) and faunistic investigations of the Alps.
  • Different designs of ultraviolet radiation traps are also used by entomologists for collecting nocturnal insects during faunistic survey studies.
  • Recent scientific studies suggest that the faunistic composition can vary greatly between atolls following a north-south gradient.
  • Nevada is located within the Nearctic faunistic realm in a region containing an assemblage of species similar to Northern Africa.
  • Scientific studies suggest that the faunistic composition can vary greatly between neighbor atolls, especially in terms of benthic fauna.
  • Recent scientific studies suggest that the faunistic composition can vary greatly between neighbour atolls, especially in terms of benthic fauna.
  • On the other hand, there are few faunistic commonalities shared only by Australia and New Zealand, except some birds.
  • From the faunistic point of view the Strait of Messina is considered a " Paradise of the Zoologist " for the enormous biodiversity that characterizes it.
  • Much of his work was with exotic Coleoptera, but he also wrote faunistic papers, mainly on beetles from Woking, Surrey, where he lived.
  • At a black-throated mango nest in Cuyabeno Faunistic Reserve, Ecuador, it was noted that the tree was beset with " Pseudomyrmex " stinging ants.
  • Owing to this phenomenon among birds in the reserve, there are species from taiga faunistic complex and species from faunistic complex of broad-leaved forests of western type.
  • Owing to this phenomenon among birds in the reserve, there are species from taiga faunistic complex and species from faunistic complex of broad-leaved forests of western type.
  • Depicted here is a female subimago of the March Brown, " Rhithrogena germanica ", which is a faunistic rarity and on the red list of endangered species.
  • Based on the possible presence of " Endothiodon ", and the more recently described presence of the dicynodonts " Dicynodon huenei " and possibly " Katumbia parringtoni ", the faunistic associations of Usili Formation appear to directly correlated with these of the Zambian Upper Madumabisa Mudstone.
  • Typical representatives of taiga faunistic complex are : western capercaillie Tetrao urogallus L ., hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia L ., black woodpecker Dryocopus martius L ., golcrest Regulus regulus ( L . ), fieldfare Turdus pilaris L ., mistle thrush Turdus viscivorus L ., redwing Loxia curvirostra L ., bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula ( L . ).
  • It seemed to me above all necessary to visit every faunistic region and subregion, as far as it might be possible, and consequently after leaving Australia in November 1887 and having collected in South America, especially Brazil ( 1888-89 ), I went to India and China ( 1890 ), visited Japan ( 1891-92 ) and Canaries, Madeira, Kangaroo Island, and various islands of the Indian and Chinese seas . " Preface
  • Information concerning the soft anatomy of " Amphidromus " is widely scattered and fragmentary . on specimens from Great Natuna ( Natuna Islands ) and Djemadja ( Anamba Islands ) . discussed portions of the anatomy of " Amphidromus adamsii ", " Amphidromus porcellanus ", " Amphidromus contrarius ", and " Amphidromus sinistralis "; Walter Edward Collinge ( 1901, 1902 ) briefly noted features of " Amphidromus palaceus " and " Amphidromus perakensis " ( reported as " Amphidromus perversus " ); Haniel ( 1921 ) dissected " Amphidromus contrarius " and " Amphidromus reflexilabris "; and Bernhard Rensch published a few scattered notes in his various faunistic surveys.