federacy การใช้
- Additionally, Denmark operates in a similar manner to a federacy.
- The NR guide and assist the GFCF ( Geseptian-Fardesile Cultural Federacy ).
- This relationship is called a federacy.
- He also comes to a healthy respect for Caldwell, and the Sentinels and Federacy in general.
- This kind of relationship also can be found in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which is a federacy.
- American Indian Steve Edmonds from the Caddoan Federacy will play the drums and teach children how to play the game.
- Puerto Rico is better conceptualized as an exemplar of autonomism with the category of " federacy " being less helpful to explain it.
- As he begins to recover, the two of them also begin to see the Federacy, especially the gentle faith of the Sentinels, in a new light.
- A "'federacy "'is a form of government where one or several substate units enjoy considerably more independence than the majority of the substate units.
- The United Kingdom has a mixture of federacy and devolution as only some of its regions enjoy a system of devolution while others are ruled directly from the national government.
- The Federacy discovers the Shuhr were developing their own psi-amplification and fusion technologies, which would have allowed them to dominate every world in that arm of the galaxy.
- Characteristics that point more or less to a federacy include the fact that the functioning of the institutions of the Kingdom is governed by the Constitution of the Netherlands where the Charter does not provide for them.
- The difference between an asymmetric federation and federacy is indistinct; a federacy is essentially an extreme case of an asymmetric federation, either due to large differences in the level of autonomy, or the rigidity of the constitutional arrangements.
- The difference between an asymmetric federation and federacy is indistinct; a federacy is essentially an extreme case of an asymmetric federation, either due to large differences in the level of autonomy, or the rigidity of the constitutional arrangements.
- An asymmetric federation, however, has to have a federal constitution, and all states in federation have the same formal status ( " state " ), while in a federacy independent substate has a different status ( " autonomous region " ).
- A federacy, a type of government where at least one of the subunits in an otherwise unitary state enjoys autonomy like a subunit within a federation, is similar to an associated state, with such subunit ( s ) having considerable independence in internal issues, except foreign affairs and defence.
- The KMK is special in the way that there is no federal legislation for education in Germany, as the Basic Law does not give power to the Federacy to legislate on the matter ( thus creating effectually a " Kulturhoheit der L鋘der " or cultural sovereignty of the states ).
- He believed in a separate Kashubian identity and strove for a Russian-led pan-Slavic federacy, Ceynowa attempted to take the Prussian garrison in Preu遡sch Stargard ( Starogard GdaDski ) during 1846, but the operation failed when his 100 combatants, armed only with scythes, decided to abandon the site before the attack was carried out.
- Lluch notes that both Watts and Elazar define a " federacy " as " political arrangements where a large unit is linked to a smaller unit or units, but the smaller unit retains considerable autonomy and has a minimum role in the government of the larger one, and where the relationship can be dissolved only by mutual agreement ".