fgf1 การใช้
- Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 has been shown to interact with FGF1 and FGF9.
- Interestingly, pERK could be activated by FGF1 but FGFR levels were unaffected by the presence of FGF inhibitor.
- FGF1 is sometimes referred to as the'universal ligand'as it is capable of activating all 7 different FGFRs.
- While treatment with FGF1 and p38 MAP kinase inhibitors was found to regenerate the heart, reduce scarring, and improve cardiac function in rats with cardiac injury.
- FGF1 and FGF2 stimulate angiogenesis and the proliferation of fibroblasts that give rise to granulation tissue, which fills up a wound space / cavity early in the wound-healing process.
- This is evidenced through studies demonstrating that uterine stalks were capable of forming new tips if provided with fresh mesenchyme or with a Matrigel artificially loaded with ramogens, such as GDNF and FGF1.
- Genes expressed in the early dental epithelium in mice such as Bmp4, Bmp7, Dlx2, Dlx5, Fgf1, Fgf2, Fgf4, Fgf8, Lef1, Gli2, and Gli3 are also potential candidates.
- In mice with diet-induced diabetes, the equivalent of type 2 diabetes in humans, a single injection of the protein FGF1 is enough to restore blood sugar levels to a healthy range for > 2 days.
- The crystal structures of FGF1 have been solved and found to be related to structure, with the beta-sheets are arranged in 3 similar lobes around a central axis, 6 strands forming an anti-parallel beta-barrel.
- Not long after FGF1 and FGF2 were isolated, another group isolated a pair of heparin-binding growth factors that they named HBGF-1 and HBGF-2, while a third group isolated a pair of growth factors that caused proliferation of cells in a bioassay containing blood vessel endothelium cells, which they called ECGF1 and ECGF2.