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flagitious การใช้

"flagitious" แปล  
  • Which one is right ? flagitious 04 : 20, 24 March 2010 ( UTC)
  • He should have persisted in gloom, which would eventually earn a commercial reward that outran the avarice of his most flagitious villains.
  • O ye most flagitious of knaves, and worst of hypocrites, cast off at once the mask of religion; and deepen not your endless perdition by professing the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, while ye continue in this traffic !"
  • An exception for persons " excommunicated, forfeited, notoriously profane, or flagitious, and professed enemies and opposers of the covenant and cause of God ", was no doubt made, but this exemption did not exclude all the " malignants ".
  • Thus, if you're a citizen of voting age, you can just show up with your driver's license on voting day at a poll in your area and they'll let you register and vote . flagitious 07 : 03, 30 April 2010 ( UTC)
  • My question is : is this an aberrant translation or are wheat and barely also referred to as having ears or is this proof that God exists because he fortold of the future existance / discovery of corn to Muhammad ?-- flagitious 08 : 26, 30 April 2010 ( UTC)
  • It might be entertaining, in fact, to see the contenders trading thesaurus-worthy insults-- mendacious, perfidious, flagitious, precipitate-- but it's not gonna happen; the RNC's entertaining efforts notwithstanding, we can expect to chug along toward November mostly in words of one syllable.
  • In cold weather, I'll normally let the engine run a bit so that windows can defrost, the car can warm up etc . Although my co-worker still says that what you're saying, ten, is not " necessarily " true . flagitious 02 : 39, 28 April 2010 ( UTC )  Preceding contribs)
  • In 1658 Edward Cole of London published Wheelwright's " A Brief and Plain Apology ", whose lengthy subtitle read " Wherein he doth vindicate himself, From al those Errors, Heresies, and Flagitious Crimes, layed to his charge by Mr . Thomas Weld, in his short story, And further Fastened upon him by Mr . Samuel Rutherford in his Survey of Antinomianisme ".
  • Livy records that this persecution was because " " there was nothing wicked, nothing flagitious, that had not been practiced among them " " Consequent to the ban, in 184 BC, about 2, 000 people were executed for witchcraft ( " veneficium " ), and in 182 180 BC another 3, 000 executions took place, again triggered by the outbreak of an epidemic.
  • Slonimsky's definition of "'sesquipedelian macropolysyllabification "'is : " Quaquaversal lucubration about pervicacious torosity and diverticular prosiliency in diatonic formication and chromatic papulation, engendering carotic carmination and decubital nyctalopia, causing borborygmic susurration, teratological urticulation, macroptic dysmimia, bregmatic obstipation, crassamental quisquiliousness, hircinous olophonia and unflexanimous luxation, often produce volmerine cacumination and mitotic ramuliferousness leading to operculate onagerosity and testaceous favillousness, as well as faucal obsonation, paralellepipedal psellismus, pigritudinous mysophia, cimicidal conspurcation, mollitious deglutition and cephalotripsical stultitiousness, resulting despite Hesychastic omphaloskepsis, in epenetic opisthography, boustrophedonic malacology, lampadodromic evagination, chartulary cadastration, merognostic heautotimerousness, favaginous moliminosity, fatiscent operosity, temulencious libration and otological oscininity, aggravated by tardigrade inturgescence, nucamentacious oliguria, emunctory sternutation, veneficial pediculation, fremescent dyskinesia, hispidinous cynanthropy, torminal opitulation, crapulous vellication, hippuric rhinodynia, dyspneic nimiety and favillous erethism, and culminating in opisthographic inconcinnity, scotophiliac lipothymia, banausic rhinorrhea, dehiscent fasciculation, oncological vomiturition, nevoid paludality, exomphalic invultuation, mysophiliac excrementatiousness, flagitious dysphoria, lipogrammatic bradygraphy, orectic aprosexia, parataxic parorexia, lucubicidal notation, permutational paronomasia, rhonchial fremitus, specular subsaltation, crapulous crepitation, ithyphallic acervation, procephalic dyscrasia, volitional volitation, piscine dermatology, proleptic pistology, verrucous alopecia, hendecaphonic combinatoriality, microaerophilic pandiculation and quasihemidemisemibreviate illation ."