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frustule การใช้

  • The zygote is then becomes an auxospore, which has no rigid frustule.
  • A frustule is usually composed of two identically shaped but slightly differently sized thecae.
  • Once each cell is completely separate they then have similar protection and the ability to continue frustule production.
  • As the diatom divides, each daughter retains one theca of the original frustule and produces one new theca.
  • Their distinguishing feature is a hard mineral shell or frustule composed of opal ( hydrated, polymerized silicic acid ).
  • Some polyps can asexually produce a creeping " frustule " larval form, which then develops into another polyp.
  • The frustule's structure is usually composed of two overlapping sections known as thecae ( or less formally as valves ).
  • The frustule also contains many pores and slits that provide the diatom access to the external environment for processes such as waste removal and mucilage secretion.
  • Diatom cells are contained within a unique silica cell wall known as a frustule made up of two valves called thecae, that typically overlap one another.
  • This is used by each daughter cell as the larger frustule ( or epitheca ) into which a second, small frustule ( or hypotheca ) is constructed.
  • This is used by each daughter cell as the larger frustule ( or epitheca ) into which a second, small frustule ( or hypotheca ) is constructed.
  • Diatoms build a frustule from silica extracted from the surrounding water; radiolarians, foraminiferans, testate amoebae and silicoflagellates also produce a skeleton from minerals, called lorica.
  • Diatoms are traditionally divided into two main groups that are primarily distinguished by frustule structures : the "'centrics "'and the "'pennates " '.
  • This form of division results in a size reduction of the daughter cell that received the smaller frustule from the parent and therefore the average cell size of a diatom population decreases, until the cells are about one-third their maximum size.