gauntness การใช้
- His face is thin to the point of gauntness.
- Gauntness assumes another meaning in some late-20th-century masks : a means of intimidation.
- Lanky to the point of gauntness, Boyette showed little emotion at the hearing, and spoke only infrequently to his two lawyers.
- Cooper, who died in 1961, put up with physical ailments during the shooting, which lends a gauntness to the stills.
- There was calloused strength in her, and a sun-tempered gauntness caused by a life of working with cattle and the land left by her father.
- "Chandrika has many merits, but she is no consensus builder, " said Peiris, a tall man of spectral gauntness, who is now spokesman for the opposition.
- Already lean at 160 pounds, the 6-foot-1 Brody shed 30 pounds in six weeks to capture Szpilman's gauntness after years of deprivation in the Warsaw ghetto.
- Seeing Hollywood stars like Arquette, Mira Sorvino, and Natasha Lyonne, their gauntness straight out of a makeup box, will for many moviegoers be a dissonance from which the film never recovers.
- Landau ( " Ed Wood " ) has a craggy John Carradine gauntness perfect for " The X-Files "; it's a surprise he didn't appear on the show earlier.
- The 6-foot-1 ( 1.85-meter ), 160-pound ( 72-kilogram ) Brody lost 30 pounds ( 13.5 kilograms ) in six weeks to capture Szpilman's gauntness after years of deprivation in the Warsaw ghetto.
- Some freeze a bit when confronted by a fan _ as the novelist Ian McEwan did one morning on the street when I recognized his face from a photograph and shook his hand and said hello . ( He was wearing a lime-green woolen sweater and wore steely round spectacles and a certain fashionable gauntness .)
- Hanks is pressing the flesh for " Band of Brothers " at a party in a mansion in Pasadena, Calif . Looking tanned and relaxed, the curiously ageless actor has padded out the gauntness he acquired for " Cast Away " ( 2000 ), and now looks much as he did way back in " Splash " ( 1984 ).
- There are currently 625 articles using AllCinema . net as a reference . However, based on a Google Translator reading their disclaimer page, [ http : / / translate . google . com / translate ? sl = ja & tl = en & js = n & prev = _ t & hl = en & ie = UTF-8 & layout = 2 & eotf = 1 & u = http % 3A % 2F % 2Fwww . allcinema . net % 2Fprog % 2Fcompany _ disclaime . php they do not appear to provide any gauntnesses on the integrity, accuracy, or safety of the information.