genetta การใช้
- It was first recorded in the Mamfe Division in Cameroon and initially considered a subspecies of the servaline genet ( " Genetta servalina " ).
- Hanging down from the mouth of the Okuyi is the skin of the servaline genet ( " Genetta servalina " ), a small forest cat.
- On the evening of Tuesday, 13 December, the group duped several ministers and other important political personages into coming to Genetta Leul palace for an emergency meeting where they were taken hostage.
- The "'common genet "'( " Genetta genetta " ), is a small viverrid indigenous to Africa that was introduced to southwestern Europe and the Balearic Islands.
- The "'common genet "'( " Genetta genetta " ), is a small viverrid indigenous to Africa that was introduced to southwestern Europe and the Balearic Islands.
- The "'pardine genet "'( " Genetta pardina " ), also known as the West African large spotted genet, is a genet species living in West Africa.
- A local chief brought him birds to study, one of which was a hornbill that became a valued pet until killed by another pet-a large-spotted genet ( " Genetta tigrina " ).
- The "'king genet "'( " Genetta poensis " ) is a small carnivoran native to the Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and C魌e d'Ivoire.
- ;genet / genetta ( nocturnal mammal ) : Seen in 13th-century English, Nevertheless, an oral dialectical Maghrebi Arabic source for the European word has been suggested ., 1FJ7 " jarnait " = " genet " is attested in the 19th century in Maghrebi dialect.
- The rest of the military, however, remained loyal to the Emperor, and rushed to Addis Ababa and crushed the coup, although many of the hostages, including Ras Abebe Aregai, were killed by machine-gun fire as the army stormed the Genetta Leul palace on 17 December.
- These investigations also clarified the controversial issue of the boundaries of this subfamily supporting the Viverrinae as being constituted by two monophyletic groups, namely the terrestrial civets " Civettictis " " Viverra " " Viverricula " and " Poiana " " Genetta ".
- DNA analysis based on 29 species of Carnivora, comprising 13 species of Viverrinae and three species representing " Paradoxurus ", " Paguma " and Hemigalinae, confirmed Pocock's assumption that the African linsang " Poiana " represents the sister-group of the genus " Genetta ".
- Like the sympatric Johnston's Genet " Genetta johnstoni ", Bourlon's Genet " Genetta bourloni " and Liberian Mongoose " Liberiictis kuhni ", Leighton's linsang is thought to be adversely affected by continuing habitat loss in the upper Guinean forests, exacerbated because this is a canopy species.
- Like the sympatric Johnston's Genet " Genetta johnstoni ", Bourlon's Genet " Genetta bourloni " and Liberian Mongoose " Liberiictis kuhni ", Leighton's linsang is thought to be adversely affected by continuing habitat loss in the upper Guinean forests, exacerbated because this is a canopy species.
- :"'Genera "': Acinonyx, Addax, Aepyceros, Alcelaphus, Allenopithecus, Ammodorcas, Ammotragus, Anomalurus, Antidorcas, Antilope, Aonyx, Atherurus, Atilax, Bdeogale, Bos, Boselaphas, Bubalus, Canis, Capra, Capricornis, Cephalophus, Ceratotherium, Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, Cervus, Colobus, Connochaetes, Cricetomys, Crocidura, Crocuta, Crossarchus, Cryptomys, Ctenodactylus, Cynictis, Damaliscus, Dendrohyrax, Dicerus, Dorcatragus, Equus, Erythrocebus, Euoticus, Felis, Fennecus, Funisciurus, Galago, Galagoides, Gazella, Genetta, Gerbillus, Giraffa, Gorilla, Graphiurus, Heliosciurus, Helogale, Hemitragus, Herpestes, Heterohyrax, Hippopotamus, Hipposideros, Hippotragus, Hyaena, Hybomys, Hyemoschus, Hylochoerus, Hypsignathus, Hystrix, Ichneumia, Ictonyx, Kobus, Lemniscomys, Lepus, Litocranius, Loxodonta, Lutra, Lycaon, Macaca, Macroscelides, Madoqua, Malacomys, Mandrillus, Manis, Marmota, Mellivora, Melursus, Miopithecus, Moschus, Mungos, Mustela, Myonycteris, Myosciurus, Nandinia, Nemorhaedus, Neotragus, Nycteris, Ochotona, Octocyon, Oenomys, Okapia, Oreotragus, Orycteropus, Oryx, Otolemur, Ourebia, Ovis, Paguma, Pan, Panthera, Pantholops, Papio, Paraxerus, Pedetes, Pelea, Perodiciticus, Petaurista, Phacochoerus, Phacohoerus, Poecilogale, Poiana, Potamogale, Potomocherus, Praomys, Presbytis, Procapra, Procavia, Proteles, Protoxeros, Psammomys, Pseudois, Raphiceros, Redunca, Rupicapra, Scotoecus, Scotophilus, Selenarctos, Sus, Sylvicapra, Syncerus, Tatera, Tetracerus, Thamnomys, Theropithecus, Thryonomys, Tragelaphus, Trichechus, Ursus, Viverrra, Vulpes, Xerus and Zenkerella.