geolinguistics การใช้
- In 1965, Prof . Mario A . Pei of Columbia University founded the American Society of Geolinguistics ( ASG ), which holds meetings during the academic year at Baruch College of the City University of New York.
- Geolinguistics goes beyond linguistics to connect to anthropology, ethnology, history, political science, studies of cognition and communication, etc . ASG's international conference draws participants from the US, Europe, Asia, Australia, etc ., and the keynote speakers have been among the leaders in the field of linguistics in connection with modern society.
- Under the editorship of Wayne H . Finke ( ASG secretary ) and Leonard R . N . Ashley ( ASG president ), the ASG publishes the annual journal " Geolinguistics " and holds an annual international conference not only on language geography but all aspects of language in contact in the modern world with attention to language acquisition, language teaching, change and impact upon culture and commerce, politics, economics, social dynamics in general.