geomedical การใช้
- I have created an arcticle about Geomedical Engineering, last updated on 11-September and sent for review and publich on Wikipedia.
- Geomedical Engineering would establish and combine the engineering and geological solutions to muddle through the health hazards originated by geological and geo-environmental factors.
- Geomedical engineering deals with the engineering principles and techniques to prevent or reduce the impacts of geological, geochemical and geoenvironmental factors on human and animal health.
- "' Geomedical engineering "'is a discipline that applies the engineering practice to medical geology issues for the purpose of preventing medical geology risks to human and animal health.
- The term " geomedical engineering " was coined by Pakistani geologist Dr . Atteeq-Ur-Rehman in 2009 in his paper titled " " Geomedical Engineering : A new and captivating prospect " ."
- The term " geomedical engineering " was coined by Pakistani geologist Dr . Atteeq-Ur-Rehman in 2009 in his paper titled " " Geomedical Engineering : A new and captivating prospect " ."