gesneriad การใช้
- There is a good collection of gesneriads and begonias.
- These gesneriads are popular during the cooler months.
- You'll find information at that site on how to join as well as considerable material on how to grow African violets and other gesneriads.
- The columnidin is named after the gesneriad genus " Columnea " in which it is found, notably in " Columnea hybrida ".
- Begonias, geraniums, gesneriads, orchids, oxalis, herbs, rare plants; free catalog . 141 North St ., Danielson, Conn . 06239.
- ""'Asteranthera " "'is a genus of Gesneriad, native to the humid forests of Argentina and Chile, it is a species of evergreen scrambling vine.
- Begonias, geraniums, gesneriads, orchids, oxalis, herbs, rare plants; catalog is $ 3.141 North St ., Danielson, Conn . 06239; 888-330-8038.
- As with other members of the Lamiales the flowers have a ( usually ) zygomorphic corolla whose petals are fused into a tube and there is no one character that separates a gesneriad from any other member of Lamiales.
- Gesneriads differ from related families of the Lamiales in having an unusual inflorescence structure, the " pair-flowered cyme ", but some gesneriads lack this characteristic, and some other Lamiales ( Calceolariaceae and some Scrophulariaceae ) share it.
- Gesneriads differ from related families of the Lamiales in having an unusual inflorescence structure, the " pair-flowered cyme ", but some gesneriads lack this characteristic, and some other Lamiales ( Calceolariaceae and some Scrophulariaceae ) share it.
- When the Dutch with their tulips and the Brazilians with their passionflowers and the South Africans with their gesneriads put their wares online, the American gardener may be exceedingly frustrated by all the material that is not quite available at the click of a mouse.
- Burtt was a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Linnean Society of London, and a holder of the Veitch Memorial Medal of the Royal Horticultural Society, the Linnean Society of London s Medal for Botany and the Gesneriad Society s Award of Appreciation.
- Gesneriads are divided culturally into three groups on the basis of whether, and how, their stems are modified into storage organs : rhizomatous, tuberous, and " fibrous-rooted ", meaning those that lack such storage structures ( although all gesneriads have fibrous roots ).
- Gesneriads are divided culturally into three groups on the basis of whether, and how, their stems are modified into storage organs : rhizomatous, tuberous, and " fibrous-rooted ", meaning those that lack such storage structures ( although all gesneriads have fibrous roots ).
- American Gloxinia and Gesneriad Society, Greater New York chapter, meets the third Saturday, September through June, 10 : 30 a . m . to 1 p . m . Indoor Gardening Society of America, metropolitan chapter, meets the fourth Thursday, August through May, 6 : 30 to 9 p . m.