giraffidae การใช้
- Molecular studies present Giraffidae as a sister group to Cervidae, Moschidae and Bovidae.
- In 1978, W . D . Hamilton erected a new family, placing it close to Giraffidae.
- "' Giraffoidea "'is a superfamily that includes the families of Climacoceratidae, Antilocapridae, and Giraffidae.
- As in the Giraffidae, skin covers the bony cores, but in the pronghorn it develops into a keratinous sheath which is shed and regrown on an annual basis.
- The climacoceratids, namely members of what is now the type genus " Climacoceras ", were originally placed within the family Palaeomerycidae, and then within Giraffidae.
- The genus was once placed within Palaeomerycidae, and then within Giraffidae, it is now considered a giraffoid and a new family, " Climacoceratidae, " has been erected by Hamilton for this genus.
- Subsequently, Lankester declared that the okapi represented an unknown genus of Giraffidae, which he placed in its own genus " Okapia ", and assigned the name " Okapia johnstoni " to the species.
- One of the first known members of this group, " Palaeomeryx ", was thought to be a hornless form distantly related to the Giraffidae before paleontologist Miguel Crusafont found remains of " Triceromeryx " in middle Miocene Spain.
- In the family-group, publication of the name of a family, subfamily, superfamily ( or any other such rank ) also establishes the names in all the other ranks in the family group ( family Giraffidae, superfamily Giraffoidea, subfamily Giraffinae ).
- :"'Families "': Anomaluridae, Bathyergidae, Bovidae, Canidae, Cercopithecidae, Cervidae, Cricetidae, Cryeteropodidae, Ctenodactylidae, Elephantidae, Equidae, Felidae, Galagonidae, Giraffidae, Gliridae, Hippopotamidae, Hipposideridae, Hyaenidae, Hystricidae, Leporidae, Lorisidae, Macroscelididae, Manidae, Muridae, Mustelidae, Nycteridae, Ochotonidae, Pedetidae, Pongidae, Potamogalidae, Procaviidae, Pteropodiae, Rhinocerotidae, Sciuridae, Soricidae, Suidae, Thryonomyidae, Tragulidae, Trichechidae, Ursidae, Vespertilionidae and Viverridae.
- They grow from a permanent outgrowth of the frontal bone called the pedicle and can be branched, as in the white-tailed deer ( " Odocoileus virginianus " ), or palmate, as in the moose ( " Alces alces " ) . " Ossicones " are permanent bone structures that fuse to the frontal or parietal bones during an animal's life and are found only in the Giraffidae . " Pronghorns ", while similar to horns in that they have keratinous sheaths covering permanent bone cores, are deciduous.