grith การใช้
- Grith Fyrd ( the name means'Peace Army'in internationalist.
- Glaister had been involved in the Grith Fyrd barter for work system.
- Grith Fyrd was never a large movement.
- Two Grith Fyrd camps were opened in 1932 at Godshill in Hampshire, and in 1933 at Shining Cliff in Derbyshire.
- There is also a race of reptilian humanoids called the Grith who cannot speak in a human language but instead communicate by spelling words with " Scrabble " tiles.
- Several mutations later, it became " No Tengo Dinero " and auditions were held to find two female singers, the mellifluously named Mai-Britt Grondahl Vingsoe and Grith Hojfeldt.
- The Grith Fyrd campers-or Pioneers-were a mixture of young unemployed men, who were able to continue to draw benefit, and idealists who mostly came from middle-class backgrounds.
- In the early 1930s, the Order launched Grith Fyrd to combat the " three evils of the day : monstrous labour, with its occasional relief by quick, aimless excitement; the state of passivity and absorption; the loss of the incentive of self-expression and creativeness ".
- The present-day Grith pioneers provide an environment, through woodland camping and similar means, which gives those people taking part scope for self-realisation and the development of personal and social responsibility, wider educational opportunities, and a sense of responsibility towards the protection of the natural environment.