heartleaf การใช้
- Recently, heartleaf skullcap was found in The Nature Conservancy's Ives Road Fen Preserve in Tecumseh, Michigan.
- "Heartleaf arnica ! " ( gesturing toward a flower with bright yellow petals ) . . . " Coiled-beak lousewort ! . . . sulphur buckwheat . . . ."
- A windowless room or a dark nook can be enhanced with a permanent grouping of plants, such as Chinese evergreen, variegated snake plant ( Sansevieria ), heartleaf philodendrons and pothos, which don't mind low light.
- Two more superficially similar plants include the bigleaf aster ( " Eurybia macrophylla " ) and the heartleaf aster ( " Symphyotrichum cordifolium " ), though both usually have blue or pale blue rays, while those of " E . divaricata " are always white.