hemistich การใช้
- Each line holds its own and every hemistich is carefully balanced.
- Victor Hugo began the process of loosening the strict two-hemistich structure.
- This hemistich is translated to English as " knowledge is power " or " One who has wisdom is powerful ".
- In " Beowulf, " there are only five basic types of hemistich, with some used only as initial hemistichs and some only as secondary hemistichs.
- The " meshorer " ( singer ) sings the first hemistich of the stanza, while another person, or the entire congregation, answers after him in concert.
- In neo-classicism, the hemistich was frowned upon ( e . g . by John Dryden ), but Germanic poetry employed the hemistich as a basic component of verse.
- In neo-classicism, the hemistich was frowned upon ( e . g . by John Dryden ), but Germanic poetry employed the hemistich as a basic component of verse.
- In Old English and Old Norse poetry, each line of alliterative verse was divided into an " a-verse " and " b-verse " hemistich with a strong caesura between.
- The Qaafiyaa is the following pattern of words : nigaah ( in the first hemistich ), jalwa-gaah, nigaah ( in the fourth hemistich ), raah, haale-tabaah and aah.
- The Qaafiyaa is the following pattern of words : nigaah ( in the first hemistich ), jalwa-gaah, nigaah ( in the fourth hemistich ), raah, haale-tabaah and aah.
- *Synonymous parallelism; in this form, the second unit ( hemistich or half line of verse, verse, strophe, or larger unit ) says much the same thing as the first one, with variations.
- Moreover, Richard Jeffrey Newman's translation is based on an erroneous reading of the last two words of the first hemistich; that is, reading ?? ~ ??1F / as ?? / ??1F / .
- His artistry was not confined to removing the need for a fixed-length hemistich and dispensing with the tradition of rhyming but focused on a broader structure and function based on a contemporary understanding of human and social existence.
- He had a contest at capping verses with the famous Arabic poet, al-Nabighah, the latter reciting one hemistich, while Al-Rabi had to supply the next, keeping to the same meter and finding a rhyme.
- Furthermore, Middle English poetry also employed the hemistich as a coherent unit of verse, with both the Pearl Poet and Layamon using a regularized set of principles for which metrical ( as well as alliterative ) forms were allowed in which hemistich position.
- Furthermore, Middle English poetry also employed the hemistich as a coherent unit of verse, with both the Pearl Poet and Layamon using a regularized set of principles for which metrical ( as well as alliterative ) forms were allowed in which hemistich position.
- Significantly, they allowed an " epic caesura " an extrametrical " mute e " at the close of the first hemistich ( half-line ), as examplified in this line from the medieval " Li quatre fils Aymon ":
- Ghani's " forte " lies in creating delightful poetic images, usually by stating an abstract idea in the first hemistich and following it up with a concrete exemplification in the other . He also stands out for his multi-layered poems, which exploit the double meaning of words.
- It is reported that, on hearing his sentence, Haninah quoted Deuteronomy 32 : 4, " He is the Rock, His work is perfect : for all His ways are judgment "; while his wife quoted the second hemistich, " A God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he "; and his daughter cited Semachot viii . ).
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