heraclid การใช้
- In the meantime, Heraclid's postponement of debt payments angered Albert Aaski.
- Both dynasties'founders were believed to be twin sons of Aristodemus, a Heraclid ruler.
- Through her, Lydian reign passed into the hands of the Tylonid ( Heraclid ) dynasty.
- But all other accounts place Atys, Lydus, and Tyrrhenus brother of Lydus among the pre-Heraclid kings of Lydia.
- One of the last mentions of it dates back to 1561 & ndash; 1563 during the reign of Ioan Iacob Heraclid.
- Faced with a large-scale rebellion, Heraclid retreated to the fortress in Suceava and withstood a three-month siege.
- There was also a Heraclid named Agraeus, the son of Temenus, and youngest brother of Hyrnetho ( Y????? ), wife of Deiphontes ( ????????? ).
- Several stories of how the Heraclid dynasty of Candaules ended and the Mermnadae dynasty of Gyges began have been related by different authors throughout history, mostly in mythical tones.
- Heraclid gathered military support we see mention of a Ferdinand I and the powerful Jewish trader Joseph Nasi, Heraclid managed to defeat the Moldavian forces in November 1561.
- Heraclid gathered military support we see mention of a Ferdinand I and the powerful Jewish trader Joseph Nasi, Heraclid managed to defeat the Moldavian forces in November 1561.
- But already in Herodotus there is a Ninus son of Belus among the ancestors of the Heraclid dynasty of Lydia, though here Belus is strangely and uniquely made a grandson of Heracles.
- Iacob Heraclid made Lutheranism the state Church, offending the native Eastern Orthodox who viewed him as an iconoclast due to his rhetoric against images, even though he did not, in fact, destroy any icons.
- But according to the historian Xanthus of Lydia ( fifth century B . C . ) as cited by Nicolaus of Damascus, the Heraclid dynasty of Lydia traced their descent to a son of Heracles and Omphale named Tylon, and were called Tylonidai.
- Herodotus ( 1.7 ) refers to a Heraclid dynasty of kings who ruled Lydia, yet were perhaps not descended from Omphale, writing, " The Heraclides, descended from Heracles and the slave-girl of Iardanus . . . . " Omphale as slave-girl seems odd.
- Pausanias reports, " even to this day they preserve it in its purity better than anywhere else in the Peloponnese . " As the Arcadians are known to have spoken a dialect closely related to Mycenaean Greek, the exiles restored were not from the original Achaean refugees of the return of the Heracleidae, but were the Doricised population that developed in the 7th century BC under the subsequently dispossessed Heraclid dynasty of Messene.