hibernal การใช้
- It is also a major tourist centre with scores of ornithologists arriving here in the hibernal season.
- This hibernal diapause, hiding in various shelters ( e . g ., crevices, hollows, cavities, even unheated buildings ).
- Hibernal was developed for the same reasons as other new varieties developed by the Geisenheim Institute, such as Ehrenbreitsteiner, Dakapo, Rondo and Saphira.
- Heinrich Birk gained reputation for the cultivation of some new grape varieties by cloning Riesling and Hibernal, Osteiner, Reichensteiner, Rotberger, Sch鰊burger and Witberger.
- And though we rarely use the adjectives hibernal and estival, " bears still hibernate and African toads estivate, " notes Richard Sachs of Chelmsford.
- Once considered a winter novelty associated with winter festivals throughout the northern United States and Canada, ice bowling is slowly growing into a more established sport in areas with hibernal climates.
- In bad years Hibernal is susceptible to mildew ( powdery mildew and downy mildew ) and must be provided with 1-2 sulphur treatments shortly before and / or shortly after flowering.
- In the mid-1960s Slettemark was a teacher at an art school in Stockholm, and he took borderline, and received a prescription for Hibernal ( tablets for treatment of psychosis ).
- "' Hibernal "'is a variety of white wine grape of the species " Vitis vinifera " which was developed in 1944, by Heinrich Birk at the Geisenheim Grape Breeding Institute.
- Hibernal diapause is a delayed development that occurs in many insects where there is no growth and feeding of larvae, embryonic and pupal development stops, and mating, reproduction, and egg development of adults does not occur.
- The nest, which occurs within burrows in the ground or rotting wood, begins to become active and bees awake from their hibernal diapause in late April to early June, but will not leave their overwintering burrows until late June.
- Since 2013, Leon Koudelak performs regularly in Europe and Asia and was invited to prestigious guitar festivals like Iserlohn Guitar Symposium in Germany, Forum Gitarre Vienna in Austria, Liechtensteiner Gitarren Tage, Liechtenstein, Moisycos International Music Festival, Italy, Hibernal de Chitara, Bucharest, Romania, Asia International Guitar Festival, Bangkok, Thailand, Pattaya Classical Guitar Festival, Thailand, Indonesia International Guitar Festival, Jakarta, Indonesia, Kathmandu International Guitar Festival, Nepal, Calcutta International Guitar Festival, India, Delhi International Guitar Festival.
- .. . while the tears shed in three rivers wrigleying down the timeless fenways and ravines of her veteran and memorial face as she moaned " I seed de season's beginnin but I ain't seed de endin " as in her dropsical guts the alpha of April was still unconsummated by the omega of the autumnal ritual now made nearly hibernal by the TV-revenue-minded owners and the players in ignominious and silent assent, extending the season with the apostasy of another round of playoffs, preliminary and superfluous, with the long afternoon shadows now made mere memory by Antaeus-like light-laden towers glaring down on the field for the slavering cameras extending the Series far into the winter-near night and far past Benjy's bedtime; but now nothing, gone, stricken, with not even the next morning's box score and its stichomythic statistics, each in their ordered place.