hipparch การใช้
- "' Demetrius "', son of Althaemenes was hipparch of one ile of Hetairoi in the battle of Gaugamela.
- The closest thing to a police force was a hipparch in office in Soli under Hadrian's rule, but this seems to have been a temporary situation.
- He caused a spring to flow where she died, either at Mount Cithaeron or at Thebes, and it was a local tradition for the outgoing Theban hipparch to swear in his successor at her tomb.
- These cavalry squadrons would sometimes be combined together in groups of two, three or four to form a " hipparchy ", which was commanded by a " hipparch ", though the whole Companion force was generally commanded by Alexander.
- This treaty records seven " strategoi " ( one each from Oiniadai, Derion, Stratos, Phoitia, Thyrreion, Anaktorion and Leucas ), a hipparch ( from Oiniadai ), a foreign secretary ( from Oiniadai ), and a treasurer ( from Stratos ).
- In 227 BC the conduct of Aratus, in avoiding a battle with Cleomenes III of Sparta at Pallantium, gave Lydiades fresh cause to renew his attacks, but they were again unsuccessful, and he was unable to prevent the appointment of Aratus for the twelfth time to the office of strategos, in 226 BC . Lydiadas was elected hipparch and had to serve under the command of his rival.
- "' Sopolis "'( Greek : ), son of Hermodorus, was hipparch of the ile of Hetairoi from Amphipolis, since at least the Triballian campaign of Alexander the Great 335 BC . That he belonged to the Macedonian aristocracy is indicated not only by his important cavalry command but also by the fact that his son, Hermolaus, served as one of Alexander's Pages in 327 BC.