hippotragus การใช้
- The extinct bluebuck ( " Hippotragus leucophaeus " ) was known to graze these grasses.
- In 1974, palaeoanthropologist Richard Klein studied the fossils of " Hippotragus " species in South Africa.
- These include the klipspringer ( Oreotragus oreotragus ), sable antelope ( Hippotragus niger ), leopard ( Panthera pardus ) and brown hyena ( Hyaena brunnea ).
- In 1863, the German zoologist Theodor von Heuglin named a subspecies of Roan antelope in his honour : " Hippotragus e . bakeri " or Baker's antelope.
- The "'bluebuck "'( congeneric with the roan antelope and sable antelope ( belonging in the genus " Hippotragus " ), but was smaller than either.
- Harris came across his first sable antelope ( " Hippotragus niger " ) in the Magaliesberg, and sent a description and specimen of the animal to the Zoological Society of London.
- A breeding pack of Cape wild dog ( " Lycaon pictus pictus " ) started to be seen frequently and a herd of about 20 roan antelope ( " Hippotragus equinus " ) often made an appearance.
- In 1846, the Swedish zoologist Carl Jakob Sundevall moved the bluebuck and its closest relatives to the genus " Hippotragus "; he had originally named this genus for the roan antelope ( " H . equinus " ) in 1845.
- Other animals found at the site include; Hippopotamus ( Hippopotamus amphibius ), Waterbuck ( Kobus ellipsiprymnus ), Roan antelope ( Hippotragus equinus ), African buffalo ( Syncerus caffer ), Leopard ( Panthera pardus ), Hyenas and African dwarf crocodile ( Osteolaemus tetraspis ).
- In 2001, the British ecologist Peter J . Grubb proposed that the ICZN should rescind its suppression of the 1845 naming and make the roan antelope the type species of " Hippotragus ", since too little is known about the bluebuck for it to be a reliable type species.
- The zoo told him there was a South African creature called a Chevaline, and the official'thought that sounded rather good'. ( The creature to which the zoo was probably referring was the Roan Antelope, " Hippotragus equinus " which is known in French as'Antilope chevaline'.)
- This revision was commonly accepted by other writers, such as the British zoologists Philip Sclater and Oldfield Thomas, who restricted the genus " Antilope " to the blackbuck ( " A . cervicapra " ) in 1899 . In 1914, the name " Hippotragus " was submitted for conservation ( so older, unused genus names could be suppressed ) to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature ( ICZN ) with the bluebuck as type species.
- In addition to chimpanzees, seven other species were introduced to the island : Roan antelope ( " Hippotragus equinus " ) and rhinoceros ( " Diceros bicornis " ) both now extinct, Suni antelope ( " Neotragus moschatus " ), elephants ( Loxodonta africana ), twelve giraffes ( Giraffa camelopardalis ), 20 black-and-white colobus monkeys ( " Colobus guereza " ), and African grey parrots ( " Psittacus erithacus " ) confiscated from illegal trade; see.
- The miombo and other vegetation in and around the region have historically a variety of food and cover for several miombo specialist endemic bird and lizard species as well as more widespread mammals including herds of African elephant " ( Loxodonta africana ) ", giraffe, Burchell's zebra " ( Equus burchelli ) ", wildebeest " ( Connochaetes taurinus ) " and hippopotamus " ( Hippopotamus amphibius ) " and antelopes including greater kudu " ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros ) ", eland " ( Taurotragus oryx ) ", impala " ( Aepyceros melampus ) ", Roosevelt sable antelope " ( Hippotragus niger ) " and Lichtenstein's hartebeest " ( Sigmoceros lichtensteinii ) " ( Campbell 1996 ).
- :"'Genera "': Acinonyx, Addax, Aepyceros, Alcelaphus, Allenopithecus, Ammodorcas, Ammotragus, Anomalurus, Antidorcas, Antilope, Aonyx, Atherurus, Atilax, Bdeogale, Bos, Boselaphas, Bubalus, Canis, Capra, Capricornis, Cephalophus, Ceratotherium, Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, Cervus, Colobus, Connochaetes, Cricetomys, Crocidura, Crocuta, Crossarchus, Cryptomys, Ctenodactylus, Cynictis, Damaliscus, Dendrohyrax, Dicerus, Dorcatragus, Equus, Erythrocebus, Euoticus, Felis, Fennecus, Funisciurus, Galago, Galagoides, Gazella, Genetta, Gerbillus, Giraffa, Gorilla, Graphiurus, Heliosciurus, Helogale, Hemitragus, Herpestes, Heterohyrax, Hippopotamus, Hipposideros, Hippotragus, Hyaena, Hybomys, Hyemoschus, Hylochoerus, Hypsignathus, Hystrix, Ichneumia, Ictonyx, Kobus, Lemniscomys, Lepus, Litocranius, Loxodonta, Lutra, Lycaon, Macaca, Macroscelides, Madoqua, Malacomys, Mandrillus, Manis, Marmota, Mellivora, Melursus, Miopithecus, Moschus, Mungos, Mustela, Myonycteris, Myosciurus, Nandinia, Nemorhaedus, Neotragus, Nycteris, Ochotona, Octocyon, Oenomys, Okapia, Oreotragus, Orycteropus, Oryx, Otolemur, Ourebia, Ovis, Paguma, Pan, Panthera, Pantholops, Papio, Paraxerus, Pedetes, Pelea, Perodiciticus, Petaurista, Phacochoerus, Phacohoerus, Poecilogale, Poiana, Potamogale, Potomocherus, Praomys, Presbytis, Procapra, Procavia, Proteles, Protoxeros, Psammomys, Pseudois, Raphiceros, Redunca, Rupicapra, Scotoecus, Scotophilus, Selenarctos, Sus, Sylvicapra, Syncerus, Tatera, Tetracerus, Thamnomys, Theropithecus, Thryonomys, Tragelaphus, Trichechus, Ursus, Viverrra, Vulpes, Xerus and Zenkerella.