imbrication การใช้
- Gravels common display imbrications, Mud drapes show desiccation cracks.
- The shingles flare slightly above a belt imbrication and a finely detailed Palladian window.
- "That is an imbrication steeple, the first one I've ever seen, " he said.
- A grindcore musician himself, he is particularly interested in the imbrications between contemporary art and heavy metal music and culture.
- Braverman s scholarship focuses on the imbrications between law, space, and power, with an emphasis on materiality .
- McLaren believed that Marxist critique more adequately addressed the differentiated totalities of contemporary society and their historical imbrications in the world system of global capitalism.
- The imbrication of race and class in Brazil produces this upper-middle class as normatively white, excluding a majority of the Brazilian population from beauty.
- The book uses comic strip idioms, mixed with occasional metafictional commentary, to analyze further the Arthurian inheritance and its imbrication with commodity culture, while also creating numerous disturbingly poignant moments.
- "Language and Power " ( 1989; now in a revised third edition 2014 ) explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of " wider " political and social structures.
- The short film elucidates the imbrication between politics and media in the state of Minas Gerais, where the media only conveyed news favorable to the state government, censoring journalists that were critical of governor A閏io Neves.
- The concept of imbrex and tegula roofing in pitched roof construction is still in use today as an international feature of style and design, and is the origin of the term imbrication for the condition of things arranged in overlapping layers.
- The study describes gastric sleeve plication ( also referred to as gastric imbrication or laparoscopic greater curvature plication ) as a restrictive technique that eliminates the complications associated with adjustable gastric banding and vertical sleeve gastrectomy it does this by creating restriction without the use of implants and without gastric resection ( cutting ) and staples.
- In the Borromean knots, he considered he had found a possible topological counterpart to the interconnections of Imaginary, Symbolic, and Real . " Lacan's seminar was at times now little more than a silent demonstration of the properties of the interlocking knots which illustrated the imbrication of the real, the symbolic and the imaginary ".
- It took French authorities 16 years to decide to take him to court, and this is why the trial has such a symbolic value : it appears to be the last opportunity for France to come to terms with this dark time in the nation's history, while revealing the imbrication of complex and unacknowledged interests that have kept the whole French political class _ the left as well as the right _ silent about the Vichy government for over half a century.
- One review noted that " reading this book feels like being at the Mad Hatter s tea party; confusing in terms of the argument at least, although I think that this is probably for the best of reasons, namely that the authors themselves are grappling with the conundrum that is eco-business . " Another noted, " The reader s response to this book will no doubt hinge on the question of his or her attitude toward capitalism : if capitalism is seen as the least worst alternative to which humankind can aspire, then the imbrication of activism in business processes will perhaps be seen as a positive good, or at least an inevitability.