immiseration การใช้
- The immiseration thesis was equally questioned by later theorists, notably by early members of the Frankfurt School.
- The pressure on the landlords to meet these unreasonable demands resulted in the gradual but inexorable immiseration of the peasantry.
- Some writers have interpreted Marx's argument to mean that an " absolute immiseration of the working class " would occur as the broad historical trend.
- The immiseration thesis is related to Marx's analysis of the rising organic composition of capital and reduced demand for labor relative to capital equipment as technology develops.
- According to the Tocqueville effect, a revolution is likely to occur after an improvement in social conditions in contrast to Marx's theory of progressive immiseration of the proletariat ( deterioration of conditions ).
- It's also well known that that's the population of Earth in 1929 . The current levels of poverty are higher than ever before, and therefore we are dealing with a kind of immiseration which is distinctly modern, or post-modern.
- Moynihan, the father of the last major welfare law, the Family Support Act, adopted in 1988 with the support of President Ronald Reagan, described the block grants as a formula for increasing misery and poverty, " a mode of immiseration ."
- Crosland claimed that the traditional socialist program of abolishing capitalism on the basis of capitalism inherently causing immiseration, had been rendered obsolete by the fact that the post-war Keynesian capitalism had led to the expansion of affluence for all, including full employment and a welfare state.
- During a period when economic discussion was focused on the wages fund doctrine, Thornton saw that wages were determined by the ratio between the " fund " and the population of laborers in the market, but he contested the stance that the denominator complied with the simple stories of " immiseration " ( economical impoverishment ).
- Other writers, such as Ernest Mandel and Roman Rosdolsky, argued that in truth Marx had no theory of an absolute immiseration of the working class; at most one could say that the rich-poor gap continues to grow, i . e . the wealthy get wealthier much more than ordinary workers improve their living standards.
- The existence of a minimum wage, of child labor laws, of the official shortening of the work week, and also of the techniques used to manage currency and interest rates, tax and spend jobs policies, and outright welfare-- these all invalidate the foundational premises of " Kapital " and its predictions of the progressive immiseration of the proletariat, production crises, etc ..
- In Marxist theory and Marxian economics, the "'immiseration thesis "'( also referred to as "'emiseration thesis "') is derived from Karl Marx's analysis of economic development in capitalism, implying that the nature of capitalist production stabilizes real wages, reducing wage growth relative to total value creation in the economy, leading to worsening alienation in the workplace.
- Author Walter K . Olson described Leiter as " left-leaning " in his book " Schools for Misrule : Legal Academia and an Overlawyered America " ( Encounter Books, 2011 ) . and Leiter himself has professed sympathy for Marx, stating in an interview that, " On two central issues, Marx was far more right than any of his critics : first, that the long-term tendency of capitalist societies is towards immiseration of the majority ( the post-WWII illusion of upward mobility for the " middle classes " will soon be revealed for the anomaly it was ); and second, that capitalist societies produce moral and political ideologies that serve to justify the dominance of the capitalist class ."