incisure การใช้
- These pockets, or " incisures ", can subdivide the myelinated axon into irregular portions.
- The angular incisure is used as a separation point between the right and left portions of the stomach.
- Kernohan's notch is a groove in the cerebral peduncle that may be caused by this displacement of the brainstem against the tentorial incisure.
- An imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the lesser curvature of the stomach through the angular incisure makes up the boundary between the body of the stomach and pylorus.
- In addition, activity along the Schmidt-Lanterman incisures was non-continuous and non-linear in the diabetic group, but linear and continuous in the control.
- The graph of aortic pressure throughout the cardiac cycle displays a small dip ( the " incisure " or " "'dicrotic notch "'" ) which coincides with the aortic valve closure.
- "' Tentorial incisure "'( also known as the "'tentorial notch "'or "'incisura tentorii "') refers to the anterior opening between the free edge of the tentorium cerebelli and the clivus for the passage of the brainstem.
- While the posterior margin of the skull is relatively straight in " Slaugenhopia ", the same margin is curved and irregular in " Kourerpeton " . " Kourerpeton " also lacks the pterygoid incisure of " Slaugenhopia ", which is characteristic of other tupilakosaurids as well.
- Defining characteristics of " Slaugenhopia " include a notch in the pterygoid bone of the palate called the pterygoid incisure; the wideness of a projection of bone in the palate called the cultriform process, a wide contact between the parasphenoid and basisphenoid bones on the underside of the skull, and uniquely " L "-shaped postparietal bones at the back of the skull.