intergrown การใช้
- This phase was not pure, but intergrown with various intermetallic compounds.
- The existence of two intergrown fixed-composition phases has been demonstrated by M鰏sbauer spectroscopy.
- Many mafic igneous rocks contain grains of intergrown magnetite and ilmenite, formed by the oxidation of ulvospinel.
- Eskebornite is sometimes found as thick tabular crystals, but is more often found intergrown with other selenides.
- Feldspar within a pegmatite may display exaggerated and perfect graphic texture is known, with feldspar and quartz intergrown.
- The new minerals are found intergrown with the amphiboles anthophyllite and cummingtonite in sprays up to 5 cm long.
- Although uraninite-bearing granite pegmatites are common, clarkeite is rare and occurs intimately intergrown with other uranium minerals.
- In particular, the shapes within the ALH84001 look intergrown or embedded in the indigenous material, while likely contamination does not.
- Recently, donnayite has been discovered along with ewaldite, epitaxially intergrown, in crystals from the Narsaarsuk pegmatite in South Greenland.
- In this environment, it is intimately intergrown with tr閎eurdenite, to give varying overall ratios of Fe 2 + : Fe 3 +.
- It also had traces of ilmenite, rutile, magnetite, hematite, pyrite, chalcopyrite intergrown with quartz and biotite, chromium, vanadium, and molybdenum.
- The texture should not be confused with myrmekite or granophyre, in which quartz forms club-shaped, curved or vermiform threads intergrown with plagioclase feldspar and alkali feldspar, respectively.
- Chromitite typically forms as orthocumulate layered lenses in peridotite rocks, at times intergrown with other silicates such as olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar ( mainly anorthite ), and garnet crystals.
- The presence of Cu in the sample proved important as the discovery of chrisstanleyite in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia found intergrown with an unnamed Cu-dominant equivalent ( Nickel 2002 ).
- The twinned, distorted, or so intergrown with adjacent crystals of quartz or other minerals as to only show part of this shape, or to lack obvious crystal faces altogether and appear massive.
- These intergrowths are typical of pegmatite and granophyre, and they have been interpreted as documenting simultaneous crystallization of the intergrown minerals in the presence of a silicate melt together with a water-rich phase.
- The intergrown phases may be planar or rodlike, depending on the volume proportions of the phases, their interfacial free energies, the rate of reaction, the Gibbs free energy change, and the degree of recrystallization.
- The quarries are also the source of naturally grooved, spherical to disk-shaped, and sometimes intergrown concretions composed of either hematite, pyrite, or wollastonite, which are collected by gem, mineral, and rock collectors and subject of much folklore.
- Hubeite is most common as aggregates of intergrown crystals ( Fig . 1 ) that are usually less than 5 mm across and that have individual crystals with well-developed faces that are as long as 1 mm ( Hawthorne et al ., 2002 ).
- The Kaminak supracrustal belt preserves igneous textures including interlocking quartz and plagioclase that are intergrown with platy biotite ( 2.084-1.914 Ga ) and stubby euhedral grains of veins of green biotite that are interpreted to have been emplaced there by a hydrothermal event accompanying a deformation along this contact area.