interrogatee การใช้
- The interrogatee is asked about KGB policy . . ..
- For example, he can show the interrogatee a thick file bearing his own name.
- The interrogatee's mature defenses crumble as he becomes more childlike . . ..
- The angry interrogator . . . makes it plain that he personally considers the interrogatee the vilest person on earth.
- It is a profound mistake to write off a successfully resistant interrogatee or one whose questioning was ended before his potential was exhausted.
- It is worth mentioning that in the French original the interrogatee is still named Fox rather than " Renard " perhaps because Beckett wanted his audience to make the Fox / Vox connection first.
- The central question was about the createdness of the Qur'an, if the interrogatee stated he believed the Qur'an to be created, rather than were coeternal with God, he was free to leave and continue his profession.