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inutile การใช้

  • The government body has lost its voice and has become inutile.
  • Another example of the latter is " L'art est inutile.
  • Las leyes laborales aprobadas durante el gobierno militar dificultaron la sindicalizacion e hicieron inutiles las huelgas.
  • C'est inutile : je me suis en servi peut pour maintenir la discipline et la paix.
  • But if cheating is inevitable, as the Cardinal anticipates, then Comelec has to be partisan or inutile.
  • He published his first novel " Le Coeur inutile " in 1936 at the age of 26.
  • *It does seem rather inutile, especially for a template with a common word like " copy ".
  • This person also has no regard for whether added material is considered inappropriate or inutile by other topic editors.
  • "Allium inutile " produces a single round to egg-shaped bulb up to 13 mm across.
  • But this is the first he has ever fashioned on a pier, where a formerly inutile expanse is becoming recreation central.
  • So Pof9 is quite irrelevant here, and your desire to prolong this discourse seems quite inutile for benefiting Wikipedia at all.
  • On connait mieux la fonction de ces organes et on r閍lise maintenant que la nature fait rarement ou jamais des organes inutiles . ?
  • The production premiered under its traditional title in Russia " La Pr閏aution inutile " ( " Vain Precaution " ) on.
  • The Latin motto was " Inutile utile ex arte " or " That which is useless is made useful through skill ".
  • The brilliant success of his comedy, " Les Inutiles ", which reached 200 consecutive performances in 1868, established his reputation as a playwright.
  • Destruye a los globulos rojos " viejos, " a las celulas muertas o " inutiles " que circulan por el organismo y regula el colesterol.
  • This is alarming by not reserving any generating capacity to government, the result is to render the government inutile in regulating electricity generation, promoting competition and discouraging cartels,
  • Henri-Louis dubbed the area " Havre Inutile " ( " Useless Harbour " ), because he believed the inviting harbour to be entirely blocked by a sandbar.
  • Pero quiza la profunda, dolorosa catarsis de estas semanas permita recrear una comunidad que rechace a los demagogos y a los funcionarios rapaces, depredadores, impunes e inutiles que abundaron en los ultimos anos.
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