irreality การใช้
- The fact that certain treatments are hit and miss hardly indicates the irreality of mental illness.
- Wolfgang Giegerich argues that Hillman's work exists in a'bubble of irreality'outside time.
- The next day it was back to political irreality and a president whose historical legacy will be X-rated, and could start sooner than he expected.
- The artist Tristan Tondino has had several exhibitions entitled " Irreality " which crossover into other fields and include philosophy, mathematics, ophthalmology, science and politics.
- Although these sentences do work, however, it would be normal in Danish as well as in English, to further stress the irreality by adding a modal.
- Criticism of the simplicity and irreality of this assumption lead to the development of Milton Friedman's permanent income hypothesis, and Richard Brumberg and Franco Modigliani's life-cycle hypothesis.
- Snowspinner, Wikipedia should indeed reflect reality, which includes not only terms and their usage, but the reality / irreality described "'and not described "'by those terms.
- A captivating speaker, ( 1995 ) and the Aron Gurwitsch Memorial Lecture " Illusion and Irreality " ( 1983 ) at the annual meetings of the Society for Phenomenology & the Human Sciences in 1995.
- And, since the show's creative conceits tended to drag it from the narrow definition of " reality, " my commentary on the series'very " irreality " would restore its truthfulness and integrity.
- For Tolstoy opera, with its mongrel mixture of media, its needless complexity, its irreality and its reliance on flamboyant convention, epitomized the falsity of art at its most debased and stood as metaphor for falsity in social relations.
- With its mongrel mixture of media, its peacock displays of frivolous virtuosity, its irredeemable irreality and its reliance on the most blatant and inflexible conventions, it epitomized for Tolstoy the ultimate degradation of art and stood as a metaphor for falsity in social relations.
- John Barth, in his introduction to this collection of essays and interviews, celebrates " the wit, the bite, the exactitude and flair, inspired whimsy, aw-shucks urbanity, irreal realism and real irreality, wired tersitude, and suchlike Barthelmanic pleasures ."
- Which is to say : as much as we might try to order our world with a certain set of norms and goals ( which we consider our real world ), the paradox of a finite consciousness in an infinite universe creates a zone of irreality ( " that which is beyond the real " ) that offsets, opposes, or threatens the real world of the human subject.
- During his lifetime he published two other major works, " 蝞t鈓plri 頽 irealitate imediat " ( Adventures in Immediate Irreality ) and " Inimi cicatrizate " ( Scarred Hearts ), as well as a number of short prose pieces, articles and translations . " Vizuina luminat : Jurnal de sanatoriu " ( The Lit-Up Burrow : Sanatorium Journal ) was published posthumously in part in 1947 and in full in 1971.
- Irrealist writing often highlights this irreality, and our strange fascination with it, by combining the unease we feel because the real world doesn't conform to our desires with the narrative quality of the dream state ( where reality is constantly and inexplicably being undermined ); it is thus said to communicate directly, " by feeling rather than articulation, the uncertainties inherent in human existence or, to put it another way . . . the irreconcilability between human aspiration and human reality . " [ http : / / cafeirreal . alicewhittenburg . com / what _ is _ irr . htm If the irreal story can be considered an allegory, then, it would be an allegory that is " so many pointers to an unknown meaning, " in which the meaning is felt more than it is articulated or systematically analyzed.
- The University of Central Florida's Bruce Janz praises Mbembe s rethinking the post-structuralist, and " disciplinary " approaches to theorizing Africa and his hinting at a fourth way, one which does not ignore the strengths of any of the three I have already mentioned, but tries to overcome the & limitations of each . He appreciates Mbembe s analyses of time and nothingness to travel from the positive vision of African existence with which the book begins to the position that learning to enjoy as complete men and women & [ requires ] living and existing in uncertainty, chance, irreality, even absurdity . " However, while praising Mbembe s analysis, Janz notes that hints of something transformative are hardly developed at all; the book is excellent description but does not explain what can be done to overcome the challenges it elucidates.