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judicatory การใช้

"judicatory" แปล  
  • Few other judicatories exercised synodic authority to the same degree.
  • Churches are organized into sections and sections into middle judicatories called districts.
  • The districts of the LCM act as the middle judicatory of the church.
  • The highest judicatory and court of appeal in the church was the General Assembly.
  • He was a supreme judge and his Decrees could not be questioned by any inferior judicatory.
  • The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church is the highest governing body and judicatory of this denomination.
  • The middle judicatory consists of a diocese headed by a bishop who is assisted by a standing committee.
  • The second, condemned the growing practice of " continuous singing " in both congregations and judicatories of the Church.
  • *Lummis, Adair T . " The Middle Judicatory as a System of Congregations Connected to the Regional Office"
  • At the 1837 General Assembly, the Old School majority successfully passed resolutions removing all judicatories found under the Plan from the Presbyterian Church.
  • Though they have no authority to direct the life of any congregation, the Regional Churches are analogous to the middle judicatories of other denominations.
  • The church's constitution consisted of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, the Form of Government ( adapted from the 1645 judicatories.
  • "' The National Capital Presbytery "'is a judicatory of the Presbyterian Church ( USA ) based in Rockville, Maryland.
  • The General Synod of 1884 approved a liturgy that was approved by the required number of Classes ( first-level judicatories, equivalent to presbyteries ).
  • In occupied Poland collaboration with the enemy, and with the aid of its military arm, the Armia Krajowa, punished it with the judicatory death sentence.
  • But according to the Iranian Judicatory, a subsequent search of her house uncovered 450 grams of cocaine, 420 grams of opium, and several forged passports.
  • In October 1844, Green River Synod ( an intermediate judicatory of the denomination ) agreed to sponsor the college now that the General Assembly no longer sponsored it.
  • The sentence of one judicatory is to be respected by other judicatories of equal rank; re-trial may take place only before that authority to whom appeal regularly lies.
  • The sentence of one judicatory is to be respected by other judicatories of equal rank; re-trial may take place only before that authority to whom appeal regularly lies.
  • To secure two of the three ministers as delegates to the supreme judicatory, and so help to carry popular measures, was the declared object of ordaining the new elder.
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