lepidochelys การใช้
- Kemp's ridleys ( Lepidochelys kempu)
- Olive Ridley Sea Turtles " ( Lepidochelys olivacea ) " nest on the beaches.
- They are the green turtle ( Chelonia mydas ) and the Olive Ridley ( Lepidochelys olivacea ).
- It was created to protect important nesting beaches of the Olive ridley sea turtle ( Lepidochelys olivacea ).
- The olive or Pacific ridley, Lepidochelys olivacea, lives in the tropical Pacific, Indian and South Atlantic Oceans.
- It is the most significant breeding ground of the Flatback Turtle Chelonia depressa and occasional nesting by Eretmochelys imbricata and Lepidochelys olivacea.
- In addition to the green turtle ( chelonia mydas ), the most common species, the Altantic hawksbill ( eretmochelys imbricata ), olive Ridley ( lepidochelys olivacea ), and leatherback ( dermochelys coriacea ) also nest there.
- Incidentally, Punyatma Aaakupaara's progeny can still be visited at Gahirmatha Beach not far from Puri, which is the world's greatest nesting habitat for Olive Ridley sea turtles ( " Lepidochelys olivacea " ).
- Four Everglade species of sea turtle including the Atlantic green sea turtle, the Atlantic hawksbill, the Atlantic loggerhead ( " Caretta caretta " ), and the Atlantic ridley ( " Lepidochelys kempii " ) are endangered.
- There are eight species of sea turtles in the world; six of them nest on the coasts of Central America, and four make their home on the Salvadoran coast : the leatherback turtle ( Dermochelys coriacea ), the olive ridley ( Lepidochelys olivacea ).
- The "'olive ridley sea turtle "'( " Lepidochelys olivacea " ), also known as the "'Pacific ridley sea turtle "', is a medium-sized species of sea turtle found in warm and tropical waters, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
- Other species of turtle are the hawksbill sea turtle ( " Eretmochelys imbricate " ) which is critically endangered; the green sea turtle ( " Chelonia mydas " ), endangered; leatherback sea turtle ( " Dermochelys coriacea " ) and olive ridley sea turtle ( " Lepidochelys olivacea " ).
- According to The Encyclopedia of Turtles, by Dr . Peter D . Pritchard ( T . F . H . Publications ), the Kemp's ridley, Lepidochelys kempi, is also called the Gulf ridley, the Mexican ridley, the Atlantic ridley or the bastard turtle; it frequents the Gulf of Mexico and the North Atlantic.
- However, the origin of " ridley " is still somewhat unclear, perhaps derived from " riddle " . " Lepidochelys " is the only genus of sea turtles containing more than one extant species : " L . olivacea " and the closely related " L . kempii " ( Kemp's ridley ).
- The park's beaches are breeding areas where several endangered turtle species lay their eggs, including the olive ridley ( " Lepidochelys olivacea " ), green turtle ( " Chelonia mydas " ), leatherback turtle ( " Dermochelys coriacea " ), and hawksbill turtle ( " Eretmochelys imbricata " ).
- Rancho Nuevo beach in Tamaulipas and along the Texas coast are the only two nesting sites in the world for the Kemp's ridley sea turtle ( " Lepidochelys kempii " ) while other herpetofauna of the ecoregion include R韔 Grande chirping frog ( " Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides " ) and Mexican white-lipped frog ( " Leptodactylus fragilis " ).
- The giant leatherback sea turtle ( " Dermochelys coriacea " ), the hawksbill turtle ( " Eretmochelys imbricata " ), the loggerhead turtle ( " Caretta caretta " ), the olive ridley turtle ( " Lepidochelys olivacea " ) and the green sea turtle ( " Chelonia mydas " ) are marine species that either nest on the islands'beaches or frequent their coastal waters.
- The sea also hosts many vulnerable fauna species, including dugong ( " Dugong dugon " ), several dolphin species, such as Irrawaddy Dolphin ( " Orcaella brevirostris " ) and four species of sea turtles : critically endangered leatherback turtle ( " Dermochelys coriacea " ) and hawksbill turtle ( Eletmochelys imbricata ) and threatened green turtle ( " Chelonia mydas " ) and Olive Ridley turtle ( " Lepidochelys olivacea " ).