leptosporangiate การใช้
- Cyatheaceae are leptosporangiate ferns, the most familiar group of monilophytes.
- These ferns are called " leptosporangiate " because their annulus around the sporangium, which ejects the spores.
- "' Leptosporangiate ferns "'are the largest group of living ferns, including some 11000 species worldwide.
- There are approximately 8465 species of living leptosporangiate ferns, compared with about 2070 for all other ferns, totalling 10535 species of ferns.
- Like all Polypodiopsidas, the sporangia are leptosporangiate ( with a foot, capsule with a single-cell wall thickness, and dehiscent ring in the capsule ).
- It consists typically of a ring or belt of dead water-filled cells with differentially thickened cell walls that stretches about two-thirds around each sporangium in leptosporangiate ferns.
- Traditionally, three discrete groups have been denominated " ferns " : two groups of Leptosporangiate Ferns as " true ferns " while denominating the other three groups as " Fern Allies ".
- The type and position of the annulus is variable ( e . g . patch, apical, oblique, or vertical ) and can be used to distinguish major groups of leptosporangiate ferns.
- ""'Dryopteris nigropaleacea " "'is a species of perennial leptosporangiate fern endemic to parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan, western Nepal, and Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh in India.
- It is the only fern family of the order "'Osmundales "'an order in the class Polypodiopsida ( Filicopsida, Pteridopsida, or Leptosporangiate ferns ) or in some classifications the only order in the class Osmundopsida.
- The leptosporangiate ferns are one of the four major groups of ferns, with the other three being the Eusporangiate ferns comprising the marattioid ferns ( Marattiidae, Marattiaceae ), the horsetails ( Equisetiidae, Equisetaceae ), and whisk ferns and moonworts.