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lunatus การใช้

  • It is also known as phaseolus lunatus.
  • The caterpillars feed on the mung bean, " Phaseolus lunatus " and other species of Fabaceae.
  • The teleomorphic state of the type species " Curvularia lunata " is " Cochliobolus lunatus " ( Fam.
  • Tsessebe ( " Damaliscus lunatus " ) doubled in number between 2007 and 2011 with the current count at 872 individuals.
  • ""'Cochliobolus lunatus " "'is a fungal plant pathogen that can cause disease in humans and other animals.
  • The anamorph of this fungus is known as " Curvularia lunata ", while " Cochliobolus lunatus " denotes the teleomorph or sexual state.
  • The "'white-naped honeyeater "'( " Melithreptus lunatus " ) is a passerine bird of the honeyeater family Meliphagidae native to eastern Australia.
  • Living on the same sandy plains in the Caribbean as this octopus is a small, bottom-dwelling flounder, the plate fish ( " Bothus lunatus " ).
  • Lunatus, as in lunatic, as in somebody who will scare the living daylights out of you if you didn't know that the deranged look is part of the act.
  • They are, however, the same biological entity . " Cochliobolus lunatus " is the most commonly reported species in clinical cases of reported " Cochliobolus " infection.
  • For the species misidentified by Gistel in 1857 and declared a new species under the name " Nicrophorus lunatus ", but later corrected, see " Nicrophorus marginatus"
  • Treated as a subspecies of the white-naped honeyeater for many years, it was found in a 2010 study to have diverged early on from the " lunatus " complex.
  • She was a Silver-breasted Broadbill, Serilophus lunatus, a diminutive creature not more than 17cm long, with a amazing silver sheen on her head and a vivid combination of gaudy blue and brilliant yellow on her beak.
  • In the Caribbean it has been found that when it moves around, it does so in such a way as to closely resemble the swimming behaviour of the plate fish ( " Bothus lunatus " ), a bottom-dwelling flounder which inhabits the same waters.
  • Another 11.4 % of its diet consists of mantis shrimps and 2.9 % of octopuses . " Bothus lunatus " is believed to be an ambush predator, lying concealed on the seabed before darting out to catch any unwary prey that moves too close.
  • In the West Indies, " Bothus lunatus " largely feeds on fishes, which make up 85.7 % of its diet by volume, and particularly on herrings in the genus " Jenkinsia " and the bigeye scad ( " Selar crumenophthalmus " ).
  • Some of the species of interest from the conservation angle are the Red-fronted gazelle ( " Gazella rufifrons " ) ( VU ), whose population is on the rise, and the Korrigum ( " Damaliscus lunatus korrigum " ) ( VU ), which is stable.
  • Biologist Allen Keast studied the genus extensively across Australia, and noted that a member of each group were found together in many parts of the country, with the trunk-foraging species averaging 10 % larger-thus the smaller " lunatus " occurs with the larger " gularis ", and this is most exaggerated in Tasmania, where the difference between " affinis " and " validirostris " is even more marked.
  • Five kinds of " Phaseolus " beans were domesticated by pre-Columbian peoples : common beans ( " Phaseolus vulgaris " ) grown from Chile to the northern part of what is now the United States, and lima and sieva beans ( " Phaseolus lunatus " ), as well as the less widely distributed teparies ( " Phaseolus acutifolius " ), scarlet runner beans ( " Phaseolus coccineus " ) and polyanthus beans ( " Phaseolus polyanthus " ) One especially famous use of beans by pre-Columbian people as far north as the Atlantic seaboard is the " Three Sisters " method of companion plant cultivation: