macromere การใช้
- Each macromere has the potential of becoming the D macromere.
- Each macromere has the potential of becoming the D macromere.
- This larger cell is specified as the D macromere.
- :Specification of the D macromere and is an important aspect of spiralian development.
- This contact is required to distinguish one macromere as the official D quadrant blastomere.
- The polar lobe contains vegetal cytoplasm, which becomes inherited by the future D macromere.
- The D macromere facilitates cell divisions that differ from those produced by the other three macromeres.
- At the 4-cell stage of equal cleavage, the D macromere has not been specified yet.
- All teloblasts are specified from the D quadrant macromere after the second round of divisions post-fertilization.
- Unlike equally cleaving spiralians, the D macromere is specified at the four-cell stage during unequal cleavage.
- This results in an unequal cytokinesis, in which both macromeres inherit part of the animal region of the egg, but only the bigger macromere inherits the vegetal region.