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mcls การใช้

  • MCLs are determined by the EPA using toxicity data.
  • VOCs and several metals with concentrations above Maximum Contaminant Levels ( MCLs ) are found in groundwater.
  • MCLs and TTs are known jointly as National Primary Drinking Water Regulations ( NPDWRs ), or primary standards.
  • In some parts of the world, MCLs continue to be developed and supported by state institutions; a contemporary example is Arabic Sign Language.
  • If constituents in groundwater around the landfill exceed the EPA MCLs for drinking-water supplies, corrective action is required to bring the facility into compliance.
  • The regulations include both mandatory levels ( Maximum Contaminant Levels, or MCLs ) and nonenforceable health goals ( Maximum Contaminant Level Goals, or MCLGs ) for each included contaminant.
  • MCLs have additional significance because they can be used under the Superfund law as " Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements " in cleanups of contaminated sites on the National Priorities List.
  • On July 1, 2009, SLS and the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System ( MCLS ) of Los Angeles County were combined and renamed the Southern California Library Cooperative ( SCLC ).
  • Attorneys from Massachusetts Correctional Legal Services, or MCLS, also cite the suit against Ayala and other prison guards as evidence that correction officers can be a threat to prisoners'safety.
  • The Thomson West publication is " Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated " ( MCLA ); the LexisNexis version is the " Michigan Compiled Laws Service " ( MCLS ).
  • "It's something that happens constantly in the criminal justice system, that people get promoted despite that kind of record, " said Barry Barkow, one of the MCLS attorneys who successfully argued the case for inmates.
  • While MCLs are risk-based, and the code requires the water supply take various actions based on the MCL, the Lead and Copper Rule regulates the level of contamination at the customers'taps based on " action levels . " No MCL is set for lead or copper.
  • The Habs look so hapless, after recent injuries to Craig Rivet ( shoulder surgery, gone for the year ), Benoit Brunet, and Martin Rucinsky ( each with torn MCLs ), that they would be better off to call it a year, purge the system, and begin the long road back with draft picks.
  • In setting the regulations it was acknowledged that in " recent scientific studies in laboratory animals, Hexavalent Chromium has also been linked to cancer when ingested . " Previously, when older chromium MCLs were set, " at the time Total Chromium MCLs were established, ingested Hexavalent Chromium associated with consumption of drinking water was not considered to pose a cancer risk, as is now the case ."
  • In setting the regulations it was acknowledged that in " recent scientific studies in laboratory animals, Hexavalent Chromium has also been linked to cancer when ingested . " Previously, when older chromium MCLs were set, " at the time Total Chromium MCLs were established, ingested Hexavalent Chromium associated with consumption of drinking water was not considered to pose a cancer risk, as is now the case ."
  • Releases produced in Todd-AO, Todd-70, Super Panavision 70 ( also known as Panavision 70 ), Panavision System 65 ( also known as Panavision Super 70 ), Dimension 150, Arri 765 and Superpanorama 70 ( also known as MClS 70 and MCS Superpanorama 70 ) were photographed with spherical optics on 65 mm film with five perforations per frame, yielding an aspect ratio of 2.20 : 1.
  • Most of the time our MCLs ( injuries to medial collateral ligaments ) have come back in four weeks . " . . . Jaguars owner Wayne Weaver said the only two other people besides Coughlin on his final head coaching interview list five years ago were Tony Dungy, now the Tampa Bay head coach, then an assistant at Kansas City, and Mike Shanahan, who was hired by Denver . . . . Coughlin has termed practices " spirited, with lots of energy ."
  • The proposed California health goal for hexavalent chromium was 0.02 ppb in 2011 In 1991 when the EPA raised the federal maximum contaminant level ( MCL ) for total chromium to 100 ppb, the State of California chose to remain with its 50 ppb MCL . However, the California Environmental Protection Agency ( CalEPA ) now acknowledges that " at the time Total Chromium MCLs were established, ingested Hexavalent Chromium associated with consumption of drinking water was not considered to pose a cancer risk, as is now the case ."