meiofauna การใช้
- Elutriation is a common method used by biologists to sample meiofauna.
- Several studies on the meiofauna show high marine interstitial diversity in Disko Island.
- Airlifts can oversample zooplankton and meiofauna but undersample animals that exhibit an escape response.
- The Orsten sites reveals the oldest well-documented benthic meiofauna in the fossil record.
- Samples are shaken in an excess of water, the sediment is briefly allowed to settle and the meiofauna filtered off.
- Much less research has been done on the smaller benthic fraction at the size of the meiofauna ( < 1 mm ).
- The sample is stirred into the Ludox solution and left to settle for 40 min, after which the meiofauna are filtered out.
- "Pontohedyle " has never been found in colder waters despite a well-studied meiofauna and hydrographic conditions similar to the Mediterranean.
- A recognised morphologist, Jeanne Renaud-Mornant also participated in many activities in the areas of eco-physiology, and phylogeny of meiofauna.
- Protozoan and metazoan ice meiofauna, in particular turbellarians, nematodes, crustaceans and rotifers, can be abundant in all ice types year-round.
- The second methodology, the floatation technique, works best with finer sediments where the mass of the sediment particles is close to that of the meiofauna.
- For major studies where large numbers of samples are collected concurrently, samples are normally fixed using 10 % formalin solution and the meiofauna extracted at a later date.
- The term " meiobenthos " was first coined in 1942 by " Introduction to the study of meiofauna " by Higgins and Thiel ( 1988 ).
- The introduction of the epibenthic sled has led to a better understanding of the diversity of meiofauna to macrofauna in the deep sea and of the phylogeny and systematics of some major invertebrate groups.
- Jeanne Renaud-Mornant began her career in 1951 and quickly became interested in meiofauna, a fauna compartment defined by Mare in 1942 consisting of small benthic metazoans smaller than a millimetre in size.
- Last time I was at the beach I dug for mole crabs out of curiosity, and not finding them, observed the larger meiofauna, and showed my nephews the baby clams and the polychaetes.
- The sample is immersed in the isotonic solution and left for a period of 15 min, after which the meiofauna are shaken free of the substrate and again filtered out through a 45 ?m mesh and immediately returned to fresh filtered seawater.
- Mangrove fauna may be grouped into macrofauna ( larger than 2mm, gastropods / snails and crabs ), meiofauna ( 0.1 mm to 2mm, mainly free-living nematodes, harpacticoida, copepods, and foraminfera ), and microfauna ( less than 0.1 mm, ciliates and other protozoans ).
- Soon after, she participated in the first international conference on meiofauna in Tunis and became increasingly involved in the scientific community by contributing to the creation of the International Association of Meiobenthologists that she chaired in 1976-1977 and participating in the editorial board of the official newsletter of the IAM : " Psamonalia ".