melilotus การใช้
- Adults have been found on " Melilotus officinalis ".
- "Melilotus wolgicus " is a biennial herb with a large taproot.
- It was first reported in Melilotus officinalis.
- Some of these names are also applied to wildflowers of the related genera " Trifolium " and " Melilotus ".
- "Melilotus ", often used as a green manure, can be turned into the soil to increase its nitrogen and organic matter content.
- Other closely related genera often called clovers include " Melilotus " ( sweet clover ) and " Medicago " ( alfalfa or Calvary clover ).
- Introduced species of plants may be a threat, including " Bromus inermis " ( smooth brome ) and " Melilotus officinalis " ( yellow sweet clover ).
- It mainly occupies the lower part of the region and is represented by mulberry ( Violet ), vetch ( Vicia ), Flok雤i, sweet-clover ( Melilotus ), and Zhabinat.
- Male specimens have been captured at flowers of " Baccharis " spp, " Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ", " Heracleum lanatum " and " Melilotus albus " while females have also been taken at the flowers of " Melilotus ".
- Male specimens have been captured at flowers of " Baccharis " spp, " Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ", " Heracleum lanatum " and " Melilotus albus " while females have also been taken at the flowers of " Melilotus ".
- Additional species that have been recognized more recently as aggressive and requiring control are yellow starthistle, sweet clovers ( " Melilotus " spp . ), Himalayan blackberry ( " Rubus discolor " ), cut-leaved blackberry ( " Rubus laciniatus " ) and periwinkle ( " Vinca major " ).
- Main host plants are various legumes ( Fabaceae ), especially common broom ( " Sarothamnus scoparius " ) and dyer s greenweed ( " Genista tinctoria " ), but also alfalfa ( " Medicago sativa " ), vetches ( Vicia species ), sweet-clover ( Melilotus species ), crownvetches ( Coronilla species ) sainfoins ( Onobrychis species ), lupin ( Lupinus species ) and others.
- For example, Blackshaw " et al . " ( 2001 ) found that when using " Melilotus officinalis " ( yellow sweetclover ) as a cover crop in an improved fallow system ( where a fallow period is intentionally improved by any number of different management practices, including the planting of cover crops ), weed biomass only constituted between 1-12 % of total standing biomass at the end of the cover crop growing season.